Better user interactions
Discover a better way to interact with your users. Malcolm! is a set of easy to use tools that lets your users service, interact & engage with you online.
Works with any type of user - Customers, Staff, Suppliers, Students, Residents, Brokers, Affiliates, Patrons... you name it.
Powerful and easy to set up and configure, Malcolm! is also great value for money. Change your business or organisation for the better right now!
Malcolm! currently scores 73/100 in the Customer Engagement category. This is based on user satisfaction (100/100), press buzz (35/100), recent user trends (falling), and other relevant information on Malcolm! gathered from around the web.
The score for this software has stayed the same over the past month. What is this? |
Product recommendations, vendor rankings, market overview and tips on how to select Customer Engagement software for business. Published in March 2025.
To build a strong relationship with customers, businesses need to engage them on multiple communication channels and keep the conversation going. Customer engagement software makes the job easy for SMEs by providing them tools for social media monitoring, e...
FREE DOWNLOAD Customer-Engagement-Software-Buyer-Guide-2018.pdfAny company or organisation who interacts with users - be those customers, staff, suppliers, students, residents, brokers, affiliates, patrons... you name it.
Yes, on Enterprise plans.
Servicing, interacting or engaging with users.
Yes - thousands of apps and third party services. Ask us if you'd like a particular integration!
Web based platform - can be surfaced and used via any web browser and integrated into other applications via embeds, plugins, widgets or API.
Customers will often use Malcolm! in conjunction with other websites, CRMs, and contact management systems plus internal systems. Popular integrations are Dropbox, Mailchimp, Twilo, Slack, Zendesk, Google Sheets, Trello, JIRA, Asana and Hubspot.