Personal Training Software

Top Personal Training Software

My PT Hub
My PT Hub
  154 90/100
Fitness & Health Software
  1 83/100
Fitness & Health Software
  0 77/100
Fitness & Health Software
  1 70/100
Nutrition Software

What is personal training software?

Personal training software helps personal trainers, studios and gyms manage day-to-day activities. Users such as PT’s and fitness studios can manage various administrative tasks and front-desk operations such as bookings, client management, reminders and payment processing through a web browser or through a mobile device.

It is also used by trainers for virtual training with their clients.

Using a personal training software solution, you can streamline repetitive, time-consuming into just one simple and efficient method. The software is a centralized database that allows you to do everything that needs to be done with just a few clicks.

Being a cloud-based solution, users can access the software from anywhere and ensure that information is tracked and that they can follow their schedules easily.

Instead of using more conventional methods, all you have to do is access the personal trainer software, enter the information you want to store and you can move on to your next client or coaching session.

Expert Pick


PTminder 83


PTminder is business management software for Personal Trainers. PTminder simplifies your day to day tasks, saving you time so you can grow your business. View Listing...

PTminder is an online training solution that helps personal trainers, studios and gyms manage day-to-day activities. The platform can be accessed through the web and on mobile devices. Users can manage various administrative tasks and front-desk operations such as bookings, client management, reminders and payment processing. It is also used by trainers for virtual training with their clients.

How is personal training software used?

A personal training software solution is a tool intended to make life easier for coaches and personal trainers. Specifically, it automates regular tasks that are usually time-consuming. It is used for several purposes:

Open communication

Staying in touch and updated with your clients is important because it establishes the fact that you care about them and the progress they are making in their fitness journey. It increases and improves your engagement with clients.

The software has several features for this goal. Aside from tracking their check-ins and their progress, you can also use the software to create a customized workout for them and to send suggested workout videos.

Likewise, the personal trainer software can be used for sending reminders and for giving clients the rewards they deserve for achieving their fitness and nutrition goals.

Manage their client base

Regardless of how many clients you have, the automated personal training tool will help streamline the client management process for you.

The software can help automate tasks like signing up clients, creating client profiles and managing client assessments.

In addition, personal trainer software is used for managing client performance assessments. Before or after a session, you can simply log in and check the fitness status of your client. This will help you determine whether the training program is ideal for the client.


A personal training software solution can be integrated into your website or page and social media account and you then use it to build and develop your business. For example, you can post videos on your website and social media page, including advice videos, workout videos and even simple health and fitness anecdotes.

You can also upload an official logo and create blog posts about fitness-related topics. You can regularly post and update your coaching schedule on your website or social media page.

PTMinder offers all of the features plus more advanced features such as nutrition planning. You can use this feature to create meal plans for clients using the food items indicated in the app. You can choose from as many as 20,000 food items, depending on what the software has.

This feature gives you the convenience of checking your client’s nutrition progress, so you can also track meal plans and find out if it is effective or if the client is following the plan.

What are the benefits of personal training software?

For personal trainers, this type of software is an all-in-one automated tool that makes managing clients an easy and convenient task. Since it is online and cloud-based, it can be accessed from anywhere on the move. In addition, your clients can keep working out even if they cannot go to the gym or meet with you. You can simply upload instructions and exercise videos for them.

If you work independently, the software is your perfect partner. It can give you all the coaching jobs you need and help build and develop your business using only the personal trainer software you have.

Finally, for clients, the software is the ideal venue for staying on track with their fitness goals with your guidance. It offers a user-friendly interface and an easy-to-use dashboard, an intuitive client-facing app and integrations with iOS and Android systems.

They do not only offer efficiency and convenience to personal trainers and coaches but also to clients who want high-quality service.

For the clients, the software offers them a user-friendly app for checking your schedule. This way, they will know when you are available and when you are not. They don’t have to go to or call the gym just to verify your schedule.

Likewise, the online personal training software is a convenient way of sending reminders and alerts both to your clients and to yourself. This will help you and your clients keep up with not only the training schedules but also the payments.

This is convenient for you because sending reminders about bookings will reduce the number of no-show clients.

Personal training software is a valuable tool for personal trainers to monitor their coaching business, especially if they have a steadily growing client base. This type of software can track client progress, store essential information and data, manage schedules effectively and ensure that you can offer clients the best service and results possible.

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My PT Hub 90


Online Personal Training software enabling PTs to create and track their client's training and nutrition plans. Free 30 Day Trial. View Listing... From: $20.00/month trial/premium My PT Hub Pricing

4 Award(s)

PTminder 83


PTminder is business management software for Personal Trainers. PTminder simplifies your day to day tasks, saving you time so you can grow your business. View Listing... From: $39.00/month trial/premium

4 Award(s)
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TotalCoaching 77


Build your fitness and meal plans online and make them available to your clients smartphone. Your clients will be able to provide you with feedback on these sessions. View Listing... From: $19.00/month trial/premium

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NutriAdmin 70


NutriAdmin is a software for nutritionists and dieticians that allows them to manage their clients and meal plans more efficiently. View Listing... From: $29.99/month trial/premium NutriAdmin Pricing

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