Workable Recruiting speeds up hiring with job posts everywhere, AI screening, and a centralized platform to manage the entire process, from job postings to offer letters.
Workable Recruiting is a complete hiring platform that helps you find and hire great talent faster.
Post jobs to 200+ boards with one click and source candidates from a database of 400M+ profiles. Speed up hiring with AI-powered screening, self-scheduled interviews, and automated offer management. Create compelling job posts, personalized emails, and interview kits effortlessly with AI assistance.
With powerful reporting tools, 270+ integrations, and outstanding support, Workable Recruiting helps you build high performance teams without the usual hiring headaches.
Workable Recruiting currently scores 92/100 in the Applicant Tracking (ATS) category. This is based on user satisfaction (92/100), press buzz (60/100), and other relevant information on Workable Recruiting gathered from around the web.
The score for this software has improved over the past month. What is this? |
Hiring & Applicant Tracking Workflow
Branded Career Pages
Social Media Recruitment
E-mail Candidates, Including Mass Mailing and Mail Templates
Post Openings To Popular Job Boards
Fully-Customisable Questions and Requirements for Applicants
$ 169 / mo; 2 Active Job, Core Recruiting features
$ 299 / mo; Unlimited Active jobs, Core Recruiting features, Time off management, Employee onboarding, E-signatures for company files
$ 599 / mo; Unlimited Active jobs, Core Recruiting features, Hiring plan, 5 native language options, Time off management, Employee onboarding, E-signatures for company files, Payroll integrations, Single sign-on support, Premium support, Custom account onboarding
Free Trial: 15 days.
Recruiters, HR people and hiring managers.
Yes, Workable offers API.
To find, hire, onboard, and manage the right person for every job.
Yes, over 200 job board integrations and over 140 other integrations for HR/payroll, SSO, sourcing, reference checks, AI and more.
Google Mail/Calendar
MS Outlook Mail/Calendar
Modern web browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, …)