
What is Prezi?

The awesome selling power of Prezi backed by an entire suite of creation, collaboration, and analytics tools designed just for business teams.

You already know Prezi as the visual storytelling medium that connects presenters more powerfully with their audiences and customers. Unlike slides, Prezi’s open, interactive canvas encourages conversation and collaboration, making presentations more engaging, persuasive, and memorable. Now, Prezi Business combines the awesome selling power of Prezi with an entire suite of creation, collaboration, and analytics tools designed just for business teams. Prezi Business—For presentations that get the job done.

Prezi Awards

Prezi currently scores 88/100 in the Presentations category. This is based on user satisfaction (84/100), press buzz (79/100), recent user trends (rising), and other relevant information on Prezi gathered from around the web.

The score for this software has stayed the same over the past month. What is this?
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Prezi Review

Editors' Review by the Presentations Software Review Team

Prezi is a platform for creative and fun online presentations. It is a cloud-based software that works similarly to Microsoft PowerPoint and other presentation apps. The tool is intended for the academic community, including the students; as well as for businesses and other commercial entities.

Prezi uses an innovative concept for online presentations. For starters, it doesn’t use the same features that other tools utilize. So, it does not have animations, videos and even slides to help users deliver their message.

Prezi presentations turn and pan in different unique directions, fly across the screen and can zoom in and out. As a result, presentations are fun, more creative and dynamic. There are no slides, there’s only a large digital canvas that the presentations are on.

Prezi could be considered as a digital poster or an online concept map that is made up of different parts. To present, all you need to do is zoom in on the parts that you want to discuss or highlight. You can zoom in and zoom out as you wish, depending on which of the details (or modules as they are called in Prezi) you want to present. 

Prezi’s out-of-the-box delivery of presentations makes it easier to generate interest among audiences and help increase understanding and engagement.

Prezi Homepage

Prezi Features

The presentations in Prezi are called Prezis. You can control the details that go with each prezi such as the images and font sizes. There are templates you can choose from so you can personalize each presentation. Also, Prezi comes with a lot of features that you can use to further make your presentations effective.

Three components

There are three major components that help shape the tool: Prezi Present, Prezi Video and Prezi Design. Present is for creating engaging presentations. Video is for creating visuals, recording videos and organizing video conferences. Design is for the creation of professional-looking interactive designs like infographic, charts, maps and reports.

Here are the specific features of Prezi that can help users create better presentations:

Non-linear presentation design

Probably the best feature that Prezi has is its non-linear presentation design approach. It’s unlike any other presentation tool and does a lot of things that slide-based ones are so focused on.

Non-linear means you have the freedom to create prezis the way you want to; you won’t be confined to just one way of delivering your message. Think of Prezi as a 3-dimensional creative canvass compared to the slide-based tool’s 2-dimensional concept.

A non-linear presentation design gives you the chance to improve audience engagement as they’ll be more interested and will be more inclined to start a conversation with you.

There might be cases, however, when you’ll need to choose to go with the logical, linear order for some aspects of your presentation. Prezi allows you to do this, too. There’s a feature that allows you to integrate or join the two together.

Smart structure

Another unique feature is Prezi’s Smart Structure, which is highly intuitive and helps you organize your presentation. Working on your layout and content will be easy because this functionality allows you to use the drag-and-drop feature.

Zoom reveal feature

This particular function is what you’ll use to put the focus on the most critical and valuable details of your message or story. With the zoom feature, it will be easy to zoom in on your central message/s as your presentation unfolds.

PowerPoint converter

If you have presentations that were previously saved on PowerPoint, you won’t have to delete these. You can incorporate these into your prezis and avoid the additional manual work of creating a new presentation from scratch. All you need to do is use the tool’s PowerPoint-to-Prezi converter.

Easy search

With this feature, you won’t have to sort or search through tons of slides just to find that topic or content you need. Prezi’s presentation concept makes it easy for you to navigate through the entire presentation. In a matter of seconds, you’ll be able to pinpoint what you’re looking for. Everything is in a giant digital canvas, all together in just one place.


Another plus factor for Prezi is the presentation templates that you can easily access and use. So, if you do not want to start from scratch—especially if it’s your first time to use the tool—you can simply choose one of the templates and use it to create your presentation. A few clicks and drags and you’ll be good to go. Templates are created for various purposes and industries.

Reusable presentations

Prezi also allows you to reuse old presentations and these are those that are shared by various users. You can tweak it a little bit to make it fit with your purpose and content.

Videos, charts, images and story blocks

You can embed or upload videos and stunning visuals into your presentation. The videos can even be played directly. Prezi has a vast collection of images that you can choose from. You can also use the advanced image editing function to repurpose and edit your visuals so they’ll follow your theme or concept and branding.

Likewise, you can also use customized charts and graphs. They’ll look impressive and engaging once they’re zoomed. They’ll help you tell your stories easier.

Story blocks, on the other hand, are what you use to build your presentation or story. These are all pre-designed, so all you need to do is drag and drop. Then you can easily customize them to make them your own.

Smart branding

This feature gives you the freedom to customize your presentations so it matches the color or colors of your company. Thus, if your brand has a color theme, your prezis will also be able to adopt that theme. This is perfect for applying continuity in your branding campaign.


Prezi integrates with a lot of apps and tools. Some of these are Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts (Meet), MS Teams and Webex, among others.

Other important functions and features you can use when on Prezi include ability to embed PDF, social media sharing, custom text box, narration feature,  ability to present on Android phones, Google images access without leaving Prezi and Skype integration.

Prezi Homepage

Prezi Benefits

Prezi presentations are visually pleasing, unique, persuasive and engaging. It’s an innovative concept that a lot of businesses, schools and sales and marketing teams. There are a lot of other benefits and advantages you’ll enjoy once you start using Prezi for your presentations.

Fun and creative presentations

Prezi is unlike other presentation tools because it veers away from the common concept of using slides. As such, it stimulates your creativity because you’ll have more options for creating your digital canvas. As a result, your audience will find your prezis more fun and engaging.

Your creative approach will make audiences feel like they’re watching a cinema-like presentation and that they’re actually a part of it. This is what conversational presentation is about. With fun and engaging presentations, you’ll be able to deliver your stories and messages more effectively and efficiently.

Seamless presentation

As Prezi uses an innovative concept—digital boards instead of slides and quick impacts—and it’s also easy to use, presentations are seamless. Everything is in one place, so there’s no need to use different apps and tools. If you need charts and tables or you want to insert videos or audio, you can do them all on Prezi.

It’s also integrated with several apps and tools. You can even convert your PowerPoint slides so you can use them for your prezis. There are also numerous templates to choose from, even those that have already been used. So even if you’re not yet that familiar with the software—or with anything technical—you won’t have to worry that much. You can simply use the templates.

Prezi is also easy to use and navigate; all you need to do is drag and drop, except for some specific functions.

No software download and installation needed

As long as you are online and have internet connection, you can create innovative and engaging presentations on Prezi. You do not have to download and install any software. Prezi can run via your web browser.

In addition, you won’t have to worry about compatibility problems and if ever you need to view your presentation on another device, you’re guaranteed that it won’t change; it will look the same.

Prezi is free to use

You can use Prezi without spending anything. You’ll only spend if you want to upgrade and avail of additional functions and features.

Total control

As a user, you have total control over your presentations. You can decide which images, fonts and font sizes and other similar aspects to use.

Prezi Pricing

Prezi has four categories for its pricing: Basic, Individual, Students & Educators and Business. For each category, there are specific packages.


For the Basic category, there are two packages—the Basic Package and the Plus Package. The Basic package is the one that’s free. On the other hand, the Plus Package comes with a fee that starts at $15 per month. A free trial is also available.


The Individual category has three packages: Standard, which is intended for personal use and has a fee starting at $5 per month; the Plus package, which starts at $15 a month and created for expert visual communicators. The last package, for business professionals, is the Premium package with a fee that starts at $59 per month.

Students & Educators

The Students and Educators category is divided into three packages: Basic (free), EDU Plus (for students and educators), at $3 a month and EDU Premium (for educators), which has a monthly fee that starts at $5 per month.


The last category is for businesses and has three price packages – Plus, Premium and Teams. Plus packages start at $15 per month, Premium is at $59 a month and the Teams package, which is ideal for 3 to 10 seats. Monthly fee for the Teams package is customized according to the needs of your team.


Prezi is one of the better innovative, creative and unique solutions for businesses, marketers and schools that want an alternative to the commonly used slides-focused presentation tools. It uses digital boards and creative presentation concepts for attracting and engaging audiences and encouraging conversations.

Prezi Product Overview

  • Advanced Collaboration Co-editing and commenting features support real-time collaboration and eliminate the need for version control, allowing users to talk to each other directly in their prezis, no matter their location.

  • Prezi Analytics Real-time analytics give organizations feedback to help sales and marketing departments focus on customers with the highest need.

  • Remote HD Presenting Every Prezi Business customer gets their own password-protected virtual meeting room, where they can host remote presentations to be viewed by anyone, anywhere.

  • Present anywhere Any time, on any device. Send a link to share your prezi in crisp HD with anyone in the world—no third-party screen-sharing software needed.

Languages Supported: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hungarian

Prezi Features

  • A/B Testing
  • API
  • Audience Targeting
  • Brand Management
  • Calendar Management
  • Chat
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Dashboard
  • Data Export
  • Data Import
  • Data Visualization
  • Document Comparison
  • External Integrations
  • History/Version Control
  • Marketing Automation
  • Multi-User
  • Notifications
  • Scheduling
  • Social-Media Integration
Prezi Alternatives

Prezi Alternatives & Competitors

Google Slides
Google Slides
  6453 91/100
Presentations Software
  66 90/100
Presentations Software
  281 90/100
Presentations Software
simpleshow video maker
simpleshow video maker
  8 84/100
Presentations Software
  67 89/100
Presentations Software
Office Timeline
Office Timeline
  11 85/100
Presentations Software

Prezi User Reviews

Average User Rating:
4.2/5 based on 5047 user ratings.
Your Rating:

Sentiment Scale

User Sentiment Map

The sentiment map shows a snapshot of how Crozdesk users have rated Prezi over time. It shows how existing users see Prezi with regards to its usefulness, ease of use, value for money and customer service.

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"The best way to create better-designed slides."

What do you like about Prezi?

Prezi takes approximately 1 to 2 years to implement in our company. Prezi has the ability to create all types of slides for all types of topics in general, it is a platform that adapts to the needs of each user, offering work autonomy that no other presentation platform has. One of the things I like the most about Prezi is:

1.- It offers really interesting templates, with different types of designs that give more life to the slides in general.
2.- It allows users to make use of drawings or shapes offered by the same platform.
3.- It has a really fluid operation when creating the slides in its web version, it does not have any kind of delay while adding or editing information on the slide.

What do you dislike about Prezi?

One of the things I don't like at all about Prezi is the performance you get when using its downloadable version for desktops. This app for desktops is not very functional, because it has the following negative characteristics:

1.- It is very slow to edit or create new slides, it takes a long time to load the templates or the information that is on each slide.
2.- The slide cannot be downloaded, this can only be done in its web version. From the App it can only be converted to PDF.
3.- It occupies a lot of space on the computer's RAM memory, which causes the computer to be a little slow while the process of creating or editing a slide is being carried out.

What have you been using it for and what problems did Prezi solve?

I am very grateful for the performance Prezi has had since it was successfully implemented in my company. We have stopped using the downloadable App for desktops, since we have noticed that it is useless because it does not have the operation we expected to obtain. Currently, we use Prezi Web Version, which helps us every day to create all kinds of slides for any topic in general, and allows us to add a better diversity and creativity to the information that we insert in the slides. I hope I can continue to enjoy this great autonomy when creating slides. Prezi is truly unique software.

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"Simple, comfortable and in the cloud, it deserves the opportunity"

What do you like about Prezi?

I think the most interesting thing about Prezi is creating projects that are stored directly in the cloud and importing slides from Power Point. It's not a famous software but it has interesting features like linking videos, adding sounds and starting a design with nice templates. It's an easy-to-use platform and I can share projects through an embed code. I like it also because it is free and works to solve many tasks.

What do you dislike about Prezi?

It is not recognized software and sharing it on social networks or websites is not attractive. It is a bit boxed in its design tools and has also given me process errors during its operation.

Ease of use
Value for money
Customer service
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"Prezi generates confidence to the user."

// Co CEO at E*TRADE

What do you like about Prezi?

I really like Prezi for a variety of things:

- Currently this platform is the only one that gives me a comfort like this, where I can access the platform and do all the slides that I want without any limit.

- The pre-designed templates are excellent, and the presence of these, gives me a facility when making presentations.

- The platform has an exclusive design, according to an excellent comfort that the user has.

- Prezi has a built-in desktop platform, which at a certain point improves the user experience and makes presentations easier to view and transfer.

What do you dislike about Prezi?

There are very basic things that I do not like about Prezi at the moment, and that, nevertheless, are factors that do not affect the user so much. These things are:

- Very high prices. High costs are those that keep people from trying the fantastic features that Prezi offers, for which I would like prices to be lowered.

- A bad technical support. This support to the user does not have the necessary experience to answer any questions.

What have you been using it for and what problems did Prezi solve?

Prezi pleases me at all, has been a platform that has always been providing me the best benefits with respect to the presentations or slides that I have to elaborate. Prezi is making a positive radical change in my company, providing some very good quality slide.

Ease of use
Value for money
Customer service
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"Very Dynamic Data presentation"

// Analista at Consejo Federal de Gobierno

What do you like about Prezi?

I've really used other software for the performance, but the dynamism that Prezi offers has no comparison. Your signature to present the data graphically is incredible

What do you dislike about Prezi?

I don't like that to access certain types of editing I have to register in each one of them to get their tools

What have you been using it for and what problems did Prezi solve?

I have presented the results of the summary of my university classes with this tool

Ease of use
Value for money
Customer service
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"Presentations at the highest level"

// Designer at Red Bull Distribution Company

What do you like about Prezi?

The templates and elements that you can access are at the highest level. A feature in this program, that allows you to track your success is very useful, since you can see what exactly interested your client.

What do you dislike about Prezi?

The program is easy to use if you have been working with it for a long time, but if you are a beginner, then you need time to get used to it, but it's worth it.

What have you been using it for and what problems did Prezi solve?

When I started to make presentations in Prezi, my work was noticed and started to offer more interesting projects, since bilateral presentations are much more interesting than linear ones.

Ease of use
Value for money
Customer service
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"Your presentations will become more elegant and beautiful"

// Sales Marketing Manager at Red Bull Distribution Company

What do you like about Prezi?

I like it's easy to use. There are also many templates, but unfortunately, there are not very much for my theme. Excellent animation between transitions and just a great feature of increasing and decreasing.

What do you dislike about Prezi?

No offline soluble, you cannot do anything if you do not have access to the Internet. Also. I would like to have more templates for fashion and clothing. I do not like, that I cannot download my presentation and all manipulations are only online.

Ease of use
Value for money
Customer service
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"The developer of presentations"

// Event Manager at Talkabout Technologies

What do you like about Prezi?

A great tool for developing presentations. Using this platform, you can easily develop a creative presentation. If you are not a professional designer, this program will allow you to make excellent presentations very simply and quickly. Templates and elements that you can access are at the highest level. The platform is great for developing presentations in your work and presentation at conferences, meetings in the field of business. All of our documents are stored in the cloud and are available to everyone in our team. This is the best platform for presentations on a professional level.

What do you dislike about Prezi?

I do not like that I can not work with this program if I have lost the Internet or it is at a weak level. I would like to see more templates. Does a little practice to really make an excellent presentation. I also want the animation to move a little slower.

What have you been using it for and what problems did Prezi solve?

With this platform, you can be as creative as your imagination. I can recommend this platform for those who are managers, students or employees. it's really great software for creating quick presentations.

Ease of use
Value for money
Customer service
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"Most dynamic presentations ever"

// System Integrator / DevOps at vrTech Trade

What do you like about Prezi?

I can create a presentation quickly and easily use Prezi. All functions work remarkably, presentations are quality. Now my presentations do not look boring like in other similar programs. A large number of templates help you make a beautiful design presentation, customize everything, as you need. You can analyze who is viewing your presentations and what exactly they are interested. Such presentations are not a shame to present partners, investors or customers. I can confidently offer you this service, as all functions work perfectly.

What do you dislike about Prezi?

At the first time I spent a lot of time adapting to this software, but all the functions are clear and the work is intuitive. Working in Prezi, I get pleasure from the result that I get. I like everything for myself; I did not find any cons now.

What have you been using it for and what problems did Prezi solve?

I began to take less time to create presentations since I started work in Prezi. The program interface is understandable and everything is convenient. When I used other similar software my idea of the presentation did not coincide with the reality, but now, what I have in mind, I can easily implement using Prezi. I use these presentations for joint meetings of our employees, as well as for carrying out weekly reports.

Ease of use
Value for money
Customer service
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