When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket. Save directly from your browser or from apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite.
Pocket helps people save interesting articles, videos and more from the web for later enjoyment. Once saved to Pocket, the list of content is visible on any device — phone, tablet or computer. It can be viewed while waiting in line, on the couch, during commutes or travel — even offline.The world's leading save-for-later service currently has more than 17 million registered users and is integrated into more than 1500 apps including Flipboard, Twitter and Zite.It is available and works well on all major platforms and devices.
Pocket currently scores 92/100 in the Productivity Tools category. This is based on user satisfaction (91/100), press buzz (78/100), recent user trends (rising), and other relevant information on Pocket gathered from around the web.
The score for this software has stayed the same over the past month. What is this? |