Creating order in digital chaos - TAS Text Analytics System is a collection of solutions that helps you collect, search, analyze and understand your data.
TAS Text Analytics System is a collection of solutions that helps the users to collect, search, analyze and understand their data. The services can be used on their own or be applied as part of a bigger pipeline, since they can be easily integrated into other systems. Explore TAS Enterprise Search Engine, TAS Data Collector, TAS Search Log Analyzer, TAS Thesaurus Manager or TAS Tagger.
TAS Text Analytics System currently scores 67/100 in the Text Analysis category. This is based on user satisfaction (100/100), press buzz (31/100), and other relevant information on TAS Text Analytics System gathered from around the web.
The score for this software has stayed the same over the past month. What is this? |
Searching data by Enterprise Search Engine.
Labeling text contents by Tagger.
Analyzing queries by Search Log Analyzer.
Collecting web-based data by Data Collector.
Yes, the solutions of TAS Platform offers standard API.
Yes, the solutions within TAS Text Analytics System offer guides, tutorials, help function and customer support.
Yes, the solutions of the platform offer multi-user capability.
The services within TAS Platform are integrated with the following apps:
* IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook
* BürOffice
* Google BigQuery
* Google Data Studio
* Power BI
* Rapidminer
* Tableau
The solutions of TAS Platform are dedicated to solve text analytics processes:
* data creation: it does not matter if you do not have your own data, we are able to generate it in line with your needs.
* data collection: if you have even a small guess that data you need is available on the Internet, we are ready to collect it for you.
* data processing: once data is acquired, it is processed in deliberate steps
* data enrichment: data is manipulated so as to provide it with additional value
* data analysis: information is discovered with diverse techniques of AI and software engineering
* data visualization: with the visual representation of data we help our customers grasp hidden relations of it
* quality assurance: in order to establish high-quality services, quality check is built in our approach
The main users of solution within TAS Platform are Enterprises and SME's.
TAS Text Analytics System runs on Linux system