Competitors App Review

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Competitors App Reviewed

Editors' Review by the Business Intelligence (BI) Software Review Team

Competitive Business is a web-based tracking and monitoring software solution for small and medium-sized businesses and organizations, as well as startups and freelance online marketers that want a reliable platform to track and monitor their competition.

The online platform allows users to follow and keep a close eye on their competitors’ activities and strategies, providing a significant advantage by staying ahead of the game, hence the name of the software.

Competitive Business facilitates the competitor tracking and monitoring process by providing users with advanced features and tools designed to help them easily and quickly keep track of their competitors’ actions. This includes any changes they did to their business website, trial emails they send out, newsletters, their social media posts and updates, blog posts and even their rankings.

How Competitive Business BI software solution works

Competitive Business is an online business intelligence software solution that allows users to gain access to a wide variety of competitor information, from the trial emails they send out to their prospective leads, to newsletters and their other online marketing strategies and activities. The platform provides your marketing team with real-time updates of the competition’s online activities from various channels and social media accounts.

Once changes or modifications on the competitors’ websites, search engine rankings and social media pages are detected by the system, it then analyzes and provides some analytics to help you and your team figure out whether the strategy is effective or not. This way, you are able to get ahead or stay on top of the competition every time they make a move.

For your business to remain competitive, the software provides tools and features that allow you to track and monitor important aspects of the way your competitors run their business, so you are able to adjust your own strategy and take the appropriate action to counter their methods and stay relevant in the game.

One of these important business aspects is trial emails. With Competitive Business BI (business intelligence), you will get every email your competitors are sending out during trial or you can get hold of their newsletters to check out what they are offering and see whether it works or not.

You will also be able to stay up-to-date with your competitors’ blog posts and social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other online marketing channels. This provides a sense of their social media marketing strategy and other activities they might be engaged in to promote their business. By having reliable insider knowledge about the competition’s social media efforts, you can adjust your own strategies and marketing techniques to match or even one-up your competitors.

You will also be notified when your competitors update their website. Any website changes, on the competition’s side, could mean a change in their strategy or an improvement in their content marketing efforts. This could also mean you’re going to have to adjust or make a few changes on your own website to match their efforts and strategy. However, you’re not going to know that without an online solution like Competitive Business providing you with the necessary information.

Keyword rank tracking is another very important aspect when you’re trying to gather actionable intelligence on your competitors. Search engine keyword rankings serve as a fairly decent measuring rod on how your efforts are faring against the competition.

You can also use this information to adjust and enhance your marketing strategy. You can analyze the methods of your competitor to figure out why they’re doing so well and play around with their idea until you can apply it to your own situation.

Competitive Business screenshot of homepage track competitors

The benefits of Competitive Business BI software solution

Competitive Business provides users with reliable and up-to-date information about their online business competitors, giving you all the actionable data you need to study, analyze and figure out ways to get the upper hand and stay ahead of the pack.

The software platform closely monitors all your competitors’ online channels, their email marketing strategies, website changes, and even their keyword rankings, providing you with a clear picture of their methods and techniques and whether or not their efforts are successful.

With all the information you are getting from the solution, which is readily and easily available, you will also have the opportunity to create your own strategies based on the data delivered by Competitive Business. You will be able to implement those new and improved strategies more easily and efficiently, allowing you to get ahead of the competition.

Based on the comprehensive data you are collecting, you can use the competition as some sort of test subjects on specific marketing strategies and techniques. How is the competition faring with the new email marketing campaign they’re implementing? Why is their new strategy failing, where did they go wrong? What are the pros and cons of their new marketing strategy?

If you can figure out the answers to all those questions, you will be able to apply them to your own solution before you implement it and make sure you get the best result possible. Your marketing solution will be more effective, more rewarding and more cost-efficient.

Trial emails and newsletters are highly effective tools that are still very important components in any email marketing campaigns today. What’s even more important is getting a hold of your competitors’ trial emails and newsletters to figure out their approach to email marketing and information dissemination and to see whether or not their strategies are any more successful than yours. The Competitive Business solution delivers this kind of information straight to your inbox.

Keeping track of your competitors on social media can be a tedious and time-consuming endeavor. Competitive Business does the monitoring and tracking for you on all social media networks and blogs of your competitors. Since social media marketing has become such an important part of the overall marketing process, keeping track of the competition on social media should be one of your top priorities.

Pricing for Competitive Business software solution

Competitive Business offers just one simple pricing plan for all users. This simple package adjusts effectively to businesses and organizations of any size or scale. Pricing is based on the number of competitors and can be adjusted accordingly as your business grows and gains more competition.

Flexible: $7.90 per month per competitor
(Includes tracking and monitoring of…)

  • Website changes
  • Trial emails
  • Newsletters
  • Social media posts
  • Blog posts
  • Keyword rankings

Competitive Business offers a 30-day free trial as part of their flexible subscription package, affording users the ability to cancel their subscription should they decide to discontinue using the service. You may visit their official website for more information about their BI solution and pricing package.

Pricing flexible Competitive Business


With Competitive Business, you will be able to stay up-to-date with your competition. Keep track of their website changes, trial emails, social media, newsletters and blog posts. And by using the information you are getting, you can create a solution that will help you catch up or stay on top of your competitors. This is an online BI solution that is definitely worth checking out, especially for startups and small to mid-sized online businesses.

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