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What is Anaplan?

Anaplan is a web-based business organization planning platform developed for sales, finance, and operations units of an organization.

Anaplan delivers collaborative planning and execution for large and fast-growing organizations. It is a Business Performance Management software product that helps businesses create better-informed plans and conduct more efficient planning processes.

The backbone of this platform is the hyperblock technology based on single modelling environment for large models. This can be accessed by anyone from anywhere. Organization's departments that use this technology the most are sales, operations, finance, marketing, IT, and human resources. Connected planning can be performed from a single case within a company unit and up to enterprise-level processes.

Anaplan brings decision makers the tool they can make use of when evaluating potential moves as well as the possibility of collaborative planning because all stakeholders can access and synch the same data. The platform is highly adaptable to specific needs of each particular organization.

Anaplan Awards

Anaplan currently scores 91/100 in the Budgeting & Tracking category. This is based on user satisfaction (92/100), press buzz (50/100), recent user trends (rising), and other relevant information on Anaplan gathered from around the web.

The score for this software has declined over the past month. What is this?

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Anaplan Review

Editors' Review by the Budgeting & Tracking Software Review Team

Anaplan is a cloud-based robust organization planning platform designed for finance, sales, marketing and other operations divisions of a large and fast-growing company. The platform handles both single usage and enterprise-wide key processes.

The system is based on the hyperblock technology, the same technology that allows for a single modeling environment with the capability to facilitate larger models at high speeds.

The software platform enables large organizations and businesses to connect various aspects of their day-to-day operations for a more streamlined and connected planning process. Anaplan boasts a comprehensive built-in application platform that enables businesses to efficiently build and/or reconfigure their planning applications.

Anaplan serves as a hub for pre-built apps that are specifically designed for various operations units, including finance, sales, workforce, marketing, supply chain and IT.

The platform also offers a custom application module designed to help users modify the same apps to fit their specific organizational needs. The platform is capable of reducing end-to-end supply chain costs by aligning the latter to various marketing opportunities.

By utilizing the Anaplan platform, fast-growing companies and large organizations can rely on useful information that allows them to make intelligent and reasonable data-driven decisions. This is mainly because the system is capable of conducting analyses on valuable performance data that managers can then employ.

Anaplan’s feature-rich comprehensive platform provides users with a robust cross-functional planning hub that effectively promotes seamless collaboration. It allows for distributed, on-the-ground expertise for organizational/corporate planning, serving bottom-up as well as top-down alignments.

Some of its features include application cataloging, centralized data repository and multi-dimensional planning based on various factors such as relationship, time, hierarchies, calculation and real-time modeling.

Furthermore, as a collaborative decision-making and business-planning platform, Anaplan allows users to collaborate in a safe and secure environment with ease. This makes both processes become more efficient and significantly less time-consuming. It also ensures the involvement of everyone in the team, making certain all individuals involved are on the same page with every decision and resolution to key issues.

Anaplan Homepage

Anaplan Features

Anaplan’s robust platform offers cloud-native solutions that bring together plans, data and workforce across the entire organization. Recognizing the ever-changing needs and demands of a growing business, the system provides automated data analysis, complex scenario modeling and advanced machine learning capabilities to provide users with a competitive edge and to drive sustainable growth.

Anaplan’s platform is capable of transforming a conventional business into a modern enterprise by providing decision-makers with immediate and unrestricted access to the most relevant data. 

The core features of Anaplan include:

Enterprise scaling

Planning at scale is one of the main functions offered by the Anaplan platform. The solution connects your entire business and all of its divisions, scaling as you grow and become a larger enterprise. It takes care of your needs and real-time changes at every stage.

Calculations and analyses remain consistent and efficient across all datasets as well as for any number of users. This is crucial for decision-makers looking forward and planning for the future of their company.

The platform’s control center and admin console keep everything streamlined and organized. It serves as a central location for admins to keep track of and manage models, tenants and workspaces. This is also where administrators will be able to manage, control and audit individual users, register CA certificates and manage encryption settings.

Data sharing and integrations

Extensibility is a critical component of the Anaplan platform. The solution gathers all the data from across the entire organization and analyses them in one centralized location. This allows for both granular and high-level analyses.

It also facilitates data sharing among stakeholders and decision-makers. The system’s ETL connectors, application program interface (API) and built-in integrations make communication between software solutions possible and seamless.

One of the features included in the data sharing and integrations module is the manual import and export of data through a tool known as Anaplan Connect. This is an integration utility that manages integration scripts for the import and export process.

The system also comes with connectors for ETL and ESB tools to integrate seamlessly with SnapLogic, MuleSoft, Informatica and Dell Boomi. It supports purpose-built integrations for engagement systems like DocuSign, Workiva and Tableau.

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)

The Anaplan platform’s intelligence capabilities empower users to handle and adapt to the complexity and constant change often associated with a fast-growing business.

Through a combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, proper optimization and over 30 predictive algorithms, the platform ensures that even the most sophisticated and advanced scenarios can yield actionable data-driven recommendations.

Anaplan’s advanced intelligence and machine learning capabilities can provide optimal solutions to complex scenarios by accessing multiple variables and constraints. It is fully capable of producing recommendations for a variety of complicated use cases, including inventory management, territory planning, sales, optimization, project portfolio and so much more.

Collaborative connected planning

Connected Planning is a feature that encourages collaboration among team members, departments and decision-makers, transforming the planning process into a simple conversation exercise across the enterprise. With this module, you can essentially connect your people in the right places at the right moment across solutions and devices.

The system provides you with personalized vital information when you need it. It enables you to update plans swiftly, view its potential effects instantly and make the appropriate decisions based on intelligent recommendations.

To ensure accessibility and efficiency, the platform can be deployed on various devices, including desktop computers, tablets and native mobile applications for both Android and iOS.

Anaplan Benefits

The following are some of the benefits you can expect from choosing Anaplan as your primary cloud-based business planning solution:

Powerful hyperblock technology

Hyperblock refers to Anaplan’s proprietary calculation and modeling engine. It is the main technology that drives the cloud-based connected planning platform. This robust tool provides users with the ability to develop and design complex models that utilizes information from across the enterprise in order to produce valuable insights and analyses that may impact or influence key decisions.

Centralized resources for collaborative planning

Seamless collaboration between employees and team members is crucial to the success of any organization. This also applies to organizational planning and decision making. 

The platform is designed to consolidate all pertinent data so decision makers, stakeholders and collaborators can access the same information, modify data and sync them enterprise-wide.

Staff members can safely perform their responsibilities, tasks and processes in the cloud and their teammates can clearly see their progress so errors, misunderstandings and redundancies can be avoided.

Easy to use and requires minimal IT support

Anaplan is designed with ease-of-use in mind. It is both user-friendly and intuitive. This enables users with little to no technical experience with this or any similar solution to successfully operate it with relative ease, especially when it comes to the day-to-day task performance and modeling. The intuitiveness and user-friendly design of the platform also allows for a smoother workflow and minimizes the need for IT support.

Informed data-driven decisions

Having the ability to collect and analyze performance data is only the first half of the business planning process. The second half is coming up with the best and most realistic scenarios/models that will help you identify the best action to take to bring you closer to your goals and objectives. The Anaplan platform is designed to provide you with actionable insights and data-driven recommendations you can use to evaluate possible actions before you make a move/decision.

Anaplan Homepage

Anaplan Pricing

Anaplan follows a subscription-based model with customized pricing. This means you will have to contact the vendor directly to get your custom quote.

There are three main subscription plans available; Basic, Professional and Enterprise.

The Basic plan comes with essential capabilities that support basic planning and modeling.

Professional has enhanced capabilities designed to handle the equally advanced planning needs of any organization.

The Enterprise plan features advanced optimization capabilities, priority support and data connector bundles.

For a more in-depth look into all the features and tools that come with these subscription plans, we would recommend you visit the Anaplan official website for a custom quote.


Anaplan is a comprehensive business planning solution that utilizes proprietary Hyperblock technology to deliver purpose-build Connected Planning for large fast-growing enterprises. The platform allows for a more collaborative, intelligent and dynamic planning. 

The customized pricing ensures you will only pay for the features and capabilities that your organization actually needs and should use. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re in the market for a robust business planning solution.

Budgeting & Tracking Market Radar

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Anaplan Product Overview

  • In-Memory Processing

  • Apps Catalog

  • Data Integration

  • Multi-Dimensional Planning

  • Model Versions

  • Dynamic Scenario Building

  • Collaborative Workflow

  • Central Data Repository

  • Dashboards and Reports

  • Intuitive Modeling Interface

Languages Supported: English, French, Russian, German, Japanese

Anaplan Features

  • 2-Factor Authentication
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • API
  • Audience Targeting
  • Balance Sheet
  • Batch Permissions & Access
  • Billing/Invoicing
  • Budgeting
  • Calendar Management
  • Contact Management
  • Contact Sharing
  • CRM Integration
  • Customer Management
  • Dashboard
  • Data Export
  • Data Import
  • Data Visualization
  • Email Integration
  • Expense Tracking
  • External Integrations
  • Forecasting
  • General Account Ledger
  • Google Apps Integration
  • History/Version Control
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Lead Management
  • Lead Scoring
  • Marketing Automation
  • Multi-Currency
  • Multi-User
  • Notifications
  • P&L
  • Password & Access Management
  • Payroll
  • Project Management
  • Referral Tracking
  • Scheduling
  • Supplier Management
  • Task Scheduling/Tracking
  • Tax Management
  • Third-Party Plugins/Add-Ons
  • Travel Management
  • Call Tracking
  • Call Disposition
  • Softphone
  • Sales Motivator
  • Shipping Management
  • Order management
  • SAP Integration
  • Route Optimization
  • Bug Tracking
  • Roadmapping
  • Resource Management
  • Collaboration Support
  • Developer Tools
  • Performance Reviews
  • Process Reporting
  • Access Management
  • Release Management
  • Test Management

Anaplan FAQs

Does Anaplan offer an API?

Yes, Anaplan offers RESTful API.

Does Anaplan offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?

Support: FAQs, Online Support, Community Support, Knowledge Base, Email Support.

Does Anaplan offer multi-user capability (e.g. teams)?


What is Anaplan generally used for?

This service is generally used for more effective planning and decision-making.

Who are the main user groups of Anaplan?

Main users of Anaplan are sales, finance, and operations units in large and fast-growing organizations.

Does Anaplan integrate with any other apps?

Integrations: Informatica, Dell Boomi, Mulesoft, and SnapLogic.

What platforms does Anaplan support?

Anaplan is a web-based software.

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Anaplan User Reviews

Average User Rating:
4.6/5 based on 215 user ratings.
Your Rating:
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""Opening Hierarchical Potential: An Exhaustive Survey of Anaplan's Dynamic Preparation and Execution The executives Stage""

What do you like about Anaplan?

There are a few parts of Anaplan that I view as great and significant:

Adaptability and Versatility: Anaplan gives an exceptionally adaptable and versatile stage for the dynamic preparation and execution of the executives. It permits associations to demonstrate complex business processes, adjust to evolving necessities, and handle a lot of information without compromising execution.

Cooperative Climate: Anaplan cultivates coordinated effort and arrangement across groups and offices. It empowers clients to cooperate progressively, share bits of knowledge, and settle on information-driven choices cooperatively. This cooperative climate upgrades correspondence advances cross-utilitarian coordination and assists drive with bettering results.

Easy to understand Connection point: Anaplan offers an instinctive and easy-to-understand interface, making it available to both specialized and non-specialized clients. The stage's simplified usefulness, intelligent dashboards, and perceptions make it simple to explore, investigate information, and construct models, lessening the expectation to learn and adapt for new clients.

Vigorous Demonstrating and Investigation Abilities: Anaplan gives strong displaying and examination capacities that enable associations to make refined models and perform progressed investigations. Its computation motor, situation arranging devices, and "consider the possibility that" investigation highlights empower clients to reenact various situations, assess the effect of changes, and gain significant experiences for vital direction.

Joining and Network: Anaplan flawlessly coordinates with different venture frameworks, including ERP, CRM, and HR frameworks, permitting associations to use existing information sources and keep up with information trustworthiness. The stage's vigorous APIs and connectors empower a smooth information stream and empower associations to use their current innovation speculations.

Nonstop Development: Anaplan reliably acquaints new highlights and improvements with its foundation, staying aware of arising patterns and client needs. The organization's obligation to development guarantees that clients approach the most recent headways in arranging and executing the board, assisting associations with remaining ahead in a quickly advancing business scene.

Generally speaking, Anaplan's adaptability, joint effort capacities, easy-to-use interface, strong demonstrating and examination, reconciliation choices, and obligation to development make it an important instrument for associations looking to smooth out their arranging cycles and drive better business results.

What do you dislike about Anaplan?

While Anaplan offers various advantages, there are a couple of viewpoints that a few clients might see as trying or could be gotten to the next level:

The intricacy of Execution: Carrying out Anaplan and setting up complex models can be a tedious and multifaceted cycle. Associations might require committed assets or the ability to plan and arrange the stage as indicated by their particular necessities. Furthermore, the expectation to absorb information for cutting-edge highlights and functionalities might be steep for less actually slanted clients.

Cost: Anaplan's valuing construction might be a worry for certain associations, especially more modest organizations or those with financial plan requirements. The stage's evaluation is commonly founded on the number of clients, modules, and information volume, which can bring about greater expenses as the association's utilization and intricacy increment. Associations should cautiously assess the expense suggestions and think about the expected profit from the venture.

Customization Impediments: While Anaplan offers broad displaying capacities, a few clients might find specific customizations or explicit necessities testing to carry out. Redoing complex work processes or consolidating interesting business rules might require further developed prearranging or extra improvement exertion. Contingent upon the association's necessities, this impediment might actually affect the adaptability and flexibility of the stage.

Documentation and Learning Assets: While Anaplan gives documentation and learning assets, a few clients want more thorough and point-by-point materials. Inside and out guides, instructional exercises, and models could assist clients with exploring complex situations and completely using the stage's abilities. Extending the accessibility and openness of learning assets could additionally improve the client experience and diminish the expectation to absorb information.

Execution at Scale: While Anaplan for the most part offers great execution, a few clients have revealed intermittent execution issues while working with enormous information volumes or complex models. Estimations and information handling times can increment as the model size develops, which might influence the constant cooperative experience. Persistent improvement of execution and adaptability could additionally upgrade the client experience, especially for bigger associations with broad information prerequisites.

It's actually significant that these focuses are not generally pertinent, and a few clients may not experience these difficulties relying upon their particular use cases and prerequisites. Anaplan proceeds to develop and address client criticism, so it's conceivable that a portion of these worries might be moderated or worked on in later updates.

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