
What is NexTravel?

Business travel made easy. Streamlined experience to help save up to 70% of your time when booking travel

NexTravel's mission is to make arranging business travel simple, painless and pleasant. Founded in 2013 as a travel concierge company, NexTravel quickly realized that all companies had a common problem. NexTravel for small businesses is free to use! And you don't need to be topping the Fortune 500 list to utilize NexTravel either.

NexTravel Awards

NexTravel currently scores 77/100 in the Travel & Tourism category. This is based on user satisfaction (68/100), press buzz (36/100), and other relevant information on NexTravel gathered from around the web.

The score for this software has declined over the past month. What is this?
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NexTravel Review

Editors' Review by the Travel & Tourism Software Review Team

Booking a personal trip is not as easy as most people would like it to be, but booking travel for work is even more challenging. NexTravel is a web-based software solution that offers businesses and organizations a better and more efficient way of booking business travel.

The online platform offers users an easy and more convenient way to search flights and find hotels while providing employers with the ability to monitor and manage the potential costs of the trip. There are plenty of web-based travel booking solutions out there, but they are mostly geared towards the average consumer—the typical traveler so to speak.

The business travel landscape is quite different. Using your standard travel booking websites or talking to travel agents to book a flight or find a decent hotel room for a business trip can be hectic and a tiresome undertaking. NexTravel helps to eliminate all the muss and fuss in the travel booking process and provides users with a solid booking platform that aims to minimize the time, money, and effort one has to put in to confirming flights and booking hotel rooms.

NexTravel Features

NexTravel is a web-based program designed for corporate travel management. It makes the process of travel booking, confirming flights, and finding hotels a lot easier and more convenient. The platform also helps to automate expense reporting for employers, allowing them to minimize the time spent on researching flights and accommodations as well as keep the overall travel expenses at a reasonable level.

The web-based travel booking platform comes with five main products: NexTravel for managers, employees, recruiters, assistants, and organizers. All company travel is centralized, which makes implementation quick and easy.

The first step clients will do is set up their company account, which is comprised of a few very easy steps. Once the setup process is completed, users will be able to book and manage all future travels of the company from a single location.

All information regarding the travel, reporting, and trips for your entire organization are all stored securely in one location. This means you are always on top of your employees’ business trips and your company’s spend.

NexTravel comes fully equipped with a wide variety of features and capabilities. The book travel feature has a streamlined travel interface and smart search capability specifically tailored for all types of business travelers.

The SmartSearch feature offers an exclusive recommendation system, which utilizes the most advanced algorithms to present users with perfectly ideal results based on their needs. The best thing about this particular system is that it learns. The more you travel, the more efficient it gets in providing you with relevant and useful results.

In addition to SmartSearch, NexTravel also comes with one-click cancellation. Users can cancel recently booked travel with just a single click of a button. Now, you can forget the hassle of having to contact an airline just to be put on hold when you’re trying to cancel a booked flight.

The web-based solution also has a robust profile management system that lets you store and manage all your travel preferences and loyalty numbers in a safe and secure location within the NexTravel database. You never have to memorize those loyalty numbers or write them down on a notebook or a piece of paper just to lose that paper later on.

Employers can also keep track of employee safety much more efficiently using the NexTravel web-based solution. Know where your employees are and always be informed about their current status. Did they arrive at their hotel safely? Are they stranded in an airport somewhere due to bad weather? It’s crucial that employers track employee safety when traveling, especially when they’re going to unsafe regions.

NexTravel likewise offers quick resolutions to specific concerns and issues companies might have, especially when it comes to expenses. The platform offers a variety of expense solutions as well as other integrations to make sure managing your organization’s travel is as seamless and painless as possible.

With this platform, employers will have the power to approve or deny travel on a case-by-case basis, especially since no two travelers are alike in terms of travel requirements and compliance. NexTravel also allows you to customize travel policies to make the travel booking process for your employees more streamlined and practical.

NexTravel book business travel reporting trips

NexTravel Benefits

Quick and Easy Company Set Up

The process of setting up company travel is made quicker and easier with NexTravel. You can invite all your employees, set up travel policies, and start booking flights and accommodations within just hours, all done using a single cohesive platform. NexTravel is arguably the fastest company onboarding software solution available out there.

Control Company Travel Expenses

With NexTravel, employers have the opportunity to save up to 30% in travel expenses. You will have more control over your company’s business travel costs while saving money at the same time each year through corporate discounts, easy travel policies, and advanced travel approvals. You will get access to all of these opportunities, which can potentially accumulate to one of the highest cost-savings in the industry.

Streamlined Corporate Travel Process

As previously stated, company travel booking can be a stressful and challenging endeavor when done the traditional way. You’re going to have to contact a number of airlines to inquire about available flights and ticket prices. On top of that, you will need to call hotels at the destination to book accommodations. It’s just a time-consuming process that can be easily mitigated with a fully functional, feature-rich solution like NexTravel.

Excellent Customer Support Service

NexTravel users and subscribers have 24/7 access to a professional team of travel experts ready to help out whenever a problem arises. Say goodbye to listening to random music while being put on hold waiting to talk to an airline rep. Now, you have NexTravel’s professional travel support team right at your fingertips, ready and eager to help you book flights and accommodations.

NexTravel administration easy setup employee policies book travel company onboarding

NexTravel Pricing

Pricing information for NexTravel subscription packages is not available. Interested parties will have to visit their official website, register an account and contact their sales team directly. You may also request a demo by contacting the provider.


NexTravel is a well thought-out, well-designed, and very useful software solution for companies and organizations that frequently send their employees on business trips. It is packed with a wide variety of features and capabilities that are practical and very functional as far as making the travel booking process easier and more efficient.

If you’re a business owner or an employer who travels a lot for business, or one who sends your employees on business trips often, this web-based program could be very useful to you. It not only makes the booking process quicker and less of a pain in the neck, it also provides you with opportunities to accumulate decent savings on travel expenses. You should definitely check this one out.

Travel & Tourism Market Radar

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NexTravel Product Overview

  • Corporate Travel Management

  • Travel expense tracking

  • Online booking tools

  • Business travel management

Languages Supported: English

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Product recommendations, vendor rankings, market overview and tips on how to select Travel & Tourism software for business. Published in June 2024.

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NexTravel Features

  • API
  • Budgeting
  • Calendar Management
  • Contact Management
  • Customer Management
  • Dashboard
  • Data Export
  • Data Import
  • Data Visualization
  • Expense Tracking
  • External Integrations
  • Forecasting
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Marketing Automation
  • Multi-User
  • Notifications
  • Payroll
  • Project Management
  • Scheduling
  • Supplier Management
  • Tax Management
  • Travel Management
  • Organization Management

NexTravel FAQs

Does NexTravel offer an API?


What is NexTravel generally used for?

Travel Management

What are some applications NexTravel is commonly used in tandem with?

Corporate travel

Does NexTravel offer multi-user capability (e.g. teams)?


Does NexTravel offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?


Does NexTravel integrate with any other apps?


What platforms does NexTravel support?

Web based and iOS

Who are the main user groups of NexTravel?


NexTravel Alternatives

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