AlayaCare Review

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AlayaCare Reviewed

Editors' Review by the Healthcare Software Review Team

AlayaCare is a management and healthcare platform designed for home care agencies. Designed to run several facilities at once, AlayaCare covers care providers for companies. It’s made with a simple interface and has several features to help your staff run an efficient agency, especially in terms of record maintenance, care plan development, and better information dissemination for extended families.

AlayaCare Features

The AlayaCare solution covers all the functions and tasks of a proper home care agency. You can create care plans specific to different clients. You can then monitor your employees and patients remotely. Important documents and data can be prepared and saved in digital storage. This platform also supports non-medical facilities and personal aide agencies worldwide, particularly in Canada and the United States.

AlayaCare clinical documentation custom configuration form building submission care plans

Comprehensive Cloud-Based Management

Organization and registration of medical data used to be difficult when it was through paper-based files. AlayaCare modernizes this by using a cloud-based server to store several digital forms with the data of your patients and staff.

The dashboard contains custom creation features that can be used to make new applications and categories, depending on the service your company provides. Drag-and-drop editing is available for faster electronic form building. These can be filled out in real-time with photo uploads, e-signatures, and diagrams.

Your staff can set up a workflow and create assessment forms or care plans for a variety of patients. Any new assignments can be automatically sent to specific employees with the requisite specialization. They can make goals that can be integrated into the care plans. They can also access patient histories or audit trails for assessment.

Families of the patients have access to a portal specific to them. This allows them to receive information regarding their loved one, such as the profiles of the care team, the client’s desired time and date of visits, and educational material. Various members can have role-based access for convenience to the family.

Back Office Suite

The back office helps your administration run the day-to-day events for patients and staff. Schedules include time and dates, and these can easily be updated. Visits for patients can be tracked and monitored in real-time. You can also optimize the match of your caretakers to new patients via the back office.

Invoicing and payments can also be automated here. Premium packages can be made for simpler direct transactions. Certain agencies working with your business can access the software to an extent, depending on the restrictions you set for their access. Meanwhile, your main office has access to all the individual departments of the company.

Data reporting and audit trails can be recorded and sent to you via the back office suite. Visualizations of each report can also be created. These graphs show up on your dashboard, giving you a personalized and easy-to-read analysis of the patient overview, or of your employee overview.

Mobile Integration

AlayaCare is also available for mobile devices. The purpose is to allow your staff to sign in and use the platform immediately. Scheduling and charting options are available through this application. Payments and invoices are tracked via GPS, complete with accurate timestamps. This also means you can track your employees and send out support for those who work solo.

Other useful additions in the mobile version are its offline capability and its access to field forms. Data about care plans, signatures, and photo observations can all be accessed on the mobile application of AlayaCare. Offline mode also means your data is stored and safe even when you are away from the internet, and then updates upon connection.

Remote Patient Monitoring

There are instances when your patients may not want or are unable to have caretakers watching over them. AlayaCare takes care of this by using Bluetooth-enabled medical devices to connect with the software for the patient’s monitoring. They can read instructions and take their own vitals while you can send feedback.

You can track their condition and use AlayaCare to detect any negative or worrying data on their health. The patients can be filtered according to priority scores you can assign, which makes it easier to help your staff watch over the most at-risk clients. Video conferencing with health coaches or professionals can also give your clients proper education and treatment from afar.

AlayaCare Benefits

Modernizing registration for healthcare facilities, AlayaCare shines in its mobile integration and digital form creation. You can easily create detailed application forms and your patients can fill them out just as fast. Your staff also gets to enjoy the full desktop service via the mobile application, which means updating information per patient can occur immediately and seamlessly.

Another useful feature is its remote patient monitoring. Unlike other healthcare management software focused on management in one area, AlayaCare gives you the opportunity to watch over your patients from their homes. It provides them with instructions on how to take their own vital signs and Video conferencing calls to meet with their health coaches and medical professionals.

AlayaCare care worker mobile app point of care documentation communication safety security

AlayaCare Pricing

The software comes at a certain subscription fee depending on the number of users and clients in your business. Fees are paid every month and you can avail for a demo upon request.

Due to the case-to-case pricing structure, AlayaCare is recommended if you and your company are a medium or large-sized agency with more than ten different clients at a time. The software’s form and care plan creation suite can also help non-professional businesses. These include nurses, therapists, and health coaches connected to your agency.

Upon purchase, you have access to all the basic features in AlayaCare. These are:

  • Automated billing – Payments between you and your patients can be customized and simplified to create faster checkouts.
  • Patient directory – Create a directory of your patients for faster access to their personal data.
  • E-Signatures – This is vital in speeding up some processes, such as signing off on some procedures.
  • User tracking – You can observe your staff members and patients remotely.
  • Schedule and login – Your employees can remotely log in and check their tasks through the mobile application.
  • Medication database – This lets you keep a list of all your patients’ medications and log any changes to the dosage, type of medication, or frequency of dosage.
  • Mobile integration – The mobile application gives all of the AlayaCare users access to the software’s services, but from a mobile phone or tablet.
  • Pictures and charting – Important visuals such as patient charts, drawings, and photos can be uploaded for your assessment.
  • Care plan and form creation – Lets you create a form and a plan for both your patient and your staff.
  • Real-time file uploads – Upload important documents and images immediately
  • Cloud-based data storage – All data and files are hosted on AlayaCare’s cloud-based file storage.
  • Security – Your security is HIPAA and PHIPA compliant to keep information safe and accessible.
  • Family portals – Lets members of the family view the data and progress of their loved one via their own personal portal on the web.
  • Video conferencing Your patients and coaches can share video calls to coordinate treatments with face-to-face interactions online.


AlayaCare is a faster digital platform for the registration and management of healthcare service at home. It’s an effective administration software, thanks to features such as creating digital forms, e-signatures for consent, and remote monitoring. If your agency has a decent budget and several concurrent clients, AlayaCare has all the features to keep you and your clients connected and efficient.

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