
What is Remote?

Remote provides global HR solutions for distributed teams covering international payroll, benefits, taxes, and compliance for businesses, big and small.

Easily hire employees or contractors from anywhere in the world

  • Leverage our local entities and expertise to avoid the usual time, cost, and risk of going it alone.

Offer competitive, localized benefits to attract and keep great talent

  • Access our country-specific benefits packages at great rates to build belonging for everyone on your team.

Pay your global workforce on time in their local currency

  • We’ll keep you and your hires compliant with ever-changing taxes and regulations.

Do more with our powerful Remote API

  • Whether you’re looking to offer new solutions to your customers or building a more seamless process for your own team, our powerful API empowers you to easily connect your people and payroll data across the entire HR tech stack.

Remote Awards

Remote currently scores 92/100 (Top 3 in Employer of Record (EOR)) in the Employer of Record (EOR) category. This is based on user satisfaction (92/100), press buzz (59/100), recent user trends (rising), and other relevant information on Remote gathered from around the web.

The score for this software has improved over the past month. What is this?
  • Remote
  • Remote
  • Remote

Remote Product Overview

Languages Supported: English

Remote Features

  • 2-Factor Authentication
  • 360 Degree Feedback
  • API
  • Application Tracking
  • Attendance Tracking
  • Balance Sheet
  • Batch Permissions & Access
  • Billing/Invoicing
  • Budgeting
  • Calendar Management
  • CRM Integration
  • Dashboard
  • Data Export
  • Data Import
  • Data Visualization
  • Email Integration
  • Employee Database
  • Employee Incentive Management
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Employee Training
  • Expense Tracking
  • External Integrations
  • Feedback Management
  • Forecasting
  • Google Apps Integration
  • Multi-Currency
  • Multi-User
  • Notifications
  • Onboarding
  • P&L
  • Password & Access Management
  • Payroll
  • Scheduling
  • Tax Management
  • Timesheets
  • Travel Management
  • Vacation & Absence Calendar
  • Employee Engagement
  • Report & Compliance
  • Database Search
Remote Alternatives

Remote Alternatives & Competitors

  3340 94/100
Employer of Record (EOR)
  6 80/100
Employer of Record (EOR)
Atlas HXM
Atlas HXM
  3 77/100
Employer of Record (EOR)
  766 90/100
Employer of Record (EOR)
  90 86/100
Employer of Record (EOR)
Beyond Intranet Employee Directory
Beyond Intranet Employee Directory
  0 62/100
Employer of Record (EOR)

Remote User Reviews

Average User Rating:
4.6/5 based on 1352 user ratings.
Your Rating:
User profile picture

"A definitive Virtual Sidekick: A Survey of Remote"

What do you like about Remote?

Adaptability: Remote work permits people to have greater adaptability as far as their plans for getting work done and area. It gives the opportunity to work from any place, whether it's from the solace of your home, a collaborating space, or while voyaging.

Expanded Efficiency: Many examinations have shown that telecommuters will quite often be more useful. With fewer interruptions and the capacity to establish a customized workplace, people frequently find it simpler to zero in on their undertakings and achieve them effectively.

A balance between fun and serious activities: Remote work offers the potential for a superior balance between fun and serious activities. By killing long drives and giving the capacity to incorporate individual and expert obligations more flawlessly, telecommuters frequently experience diminished feelings of anxiety and work on general prosperity.

Cost Investment funds: Remote work can prompt tremendous expense investment funds for the two representatives and bosses. Telecommuters save money on driving costs, stopping charges, and possibly even migration costs. Managers can profit from decreased costs related to office space, utilities, and other related costs.

Admittance to a Worldwide Ability Pool: Remote stir opens up potential open doors for bosses to recruit ability from any place on the planet. This extended admittance to a worldwide ability pool permits organizations to track down the best met their requirements, paying little heed to geological limitations.

Natural Effect: Remote work has a positive ecological effect by lessening the number of suburbanites, which thus decreases gridlock and fossil fuel byproducts. Moreover, it limits the requirement for actual office spaces, prompting energy reserve funds and diminished squander creation.

Improved Variety and Incorporation: Remote work can advance variety and consideration inside associations. It eliminates geological hindrances and empowers organizations to assemble different groups with people from different foundations, societies, and points of view.

These are only a couple of the many advantages that remote work can offer. It's critical to take note that the experience and benefits of remote work can change contingent upon individual inclinations, work necessities, and the association's strategies and emotionally supportive networks.

What do you dislike about Remote?

Absence of Social Communication: Remote work can prompt a lessening in up close and personal cooperation and social associations with partners. Certain individuals might miss the unconstrained discussions, cooperative meetings to generate new ideas, and social holding that frequently happen in an actual office climate.

Correspondence and Cooperation Difficulties: Remote work can some of the time present difficulties in correspondence and joint effort, especially while depending on virtual devices and stages. Miscommunication or absence of lucidity in composed messages or messages can happen, prompting expected misconceptions or postpones in work progress.

Obscured Work-Life Limits: While remote work offers adaptability, it can likewise obscure the limits between work and individual life. Without clear partition, people might find it challenging to lay out a sound balance between fun and serious activities, prompting workaholic behaviour or trouble detaching from business-related matters.

Potential for Interruptions: Telecommuting or other far-off areas can introduce different interruptions that might impede efficiency. These interruptions can incorporate family errands, family obligations, or breaks from pets or youngsters.

Diminished Group Union: Building and keeping serious areas of strength for culture and fellowship can be really difficult in a remote work arrangement. Without customary in-person communications, group holding exercises, or casual discussions, it might require extra work to cultivate a feeling of solidarity and joint effort among remote colleagues.

Specialized Challenges: Remote work depends intensely on innovation, and specialized issues, for example, web network issues or programming errors can upset the work process and cause dissatisfaction or deferrals.

Restricted Profession Amazing learning experiences: at times, remote work might offer less open doors for professional success contrasted with customary office conditions. Eye-to-eye collaborations and in-person organizing occasions can assume a huge part in vocation improvement, which might be restricted in remote work settings.

It's critical to take note that these difficulties can shift contingent upon individual inclinations, work elements, and the degree of help and assets given by associations to work with remote work. A significant number of these difficulties can be relieved with compelling correspondence techniques, clear-cut strategies, and a steady remote work culture.

Ease of use
Value for money
Customer service
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