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About Wahey

Wahey is a robust and innovative application designed to cater to the specific needs of managed service providers (MSPs) and IT professionals.

Wahey is a comprehensive software solution that focuses on simplifying several critical aspects of IT service provision. It offers a suite of features that aid MSPs and IT professionals in efficiently managing client devices, tracking subscriptions, synchronizing user accounts, and maintaining accurate billing records.

Key Features:
1. Device Management: Wahey allows users to sync device data from popular Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools. This feature helps create a centralized inventory of client devices, making it easier to track and manage them effectively.
2. Subscription Tracking: The application facilitates subscription management by syncing subscription details from various providers. Users can assign subscriptions to specific clients, ensuring accurate and transparent billing.
3. User Account Synchronization: Wahey offers integration with Active Directory, enabling the synchronization of user accounts. This feature simplifies user management and ensures that clients are billed accurately based on user counts.
4. Billing Efficiency: Wahey streamlines the billing process by automating client asset reports. This automation reduces the chances of billing errors and streamlines the overall billing workflow.

1. Improved Efficiency: By centralizing device inventories, automating billing processes, and offering user-friendly interfaces, Wahey enhances the overall efficiency of service providers.
2. Billing Accuracy: Accurate billing is crucial for maintaining client trust. Wahey's features help ensure that clients are billed fairly and transparently.
3. Time Savings: Automation and streamlined processes save valuable time, allowing service providers to focus on more strategic tasks.
4. Enhanced Client Satisfaction: By providing clear, accurate, and transparent billing, service providers using Wahey can enhance client satisfaction and build stronger client relationships.


  • API
  • Batch Permissions & Access
  • Customer Management
  • Data Export
  • Data Import
  • External Integrations
  • Multi-User
  • Notifications
  • Password & Access Management
  • Malware Protection
  • Network Traffic Monitoring
  • Network Visualization
  • Network Device Performance Monitoring


  • Wahey allows users to sync device data from popular Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools. This feature helps create a centralized inventory of client devices, making it easier to track and manage them effectively.

  • The application facilitates subscription management by syncing subscription details from various providers. Users can assign subscriptions to specific clients, ensuring accurate and transparent billing.

  • Wahey offers integration with Active Directory, enabling the synchronization of user accounts. This feature simplifies user management and ensures that clients are billed accurately based on user counts.

  • Wahey streamlines the billing process by automating invoice generation based on user-defined billing preferences. This automation reduces the chances of billing errors and streamlines the overall billing workflow.


    What platforms does this service support?
  • Wahey runs in any modern desktop web browser.

  • Does this service integrate with any other apps?
  • Wahey allows users to sync device, user, and subscription data from popular Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM), marketplaces, and web portals.

  • Does this service offer multi-user capability (e.g. teams)?
  • Wahey is multi-user capable with different level of security access.

  • Who are the main user groups of this service?
  • Wahey is a robust and innovative application designed to cater to the specific needs of managed service providers (MSPs) and IT professionals.

  • What is this service generally used for?
  • Wahey offers a suite of features that aid MSPs and IT professionals in efficiently managing client devices, tracking subscriptions, synchronizing user accounts, and maintaining accurate billing records.

Vendor Information

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Who uses Wahey
  • SMEs
Desktop Platforms:
  • Web App
Regional Restrictions:
No restrictions.
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