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About Connect Bridge

Looking for a way to build your custom integration software in any language with much fewer lines of code? Connect Bridge is the smart way to go.

Connect Bridge eliminates the need for using the software API by using standard SQL syntax instead. It uses its connectors to translate the SQL statements into API calls. The connectors are currently available for more than 400 apps, and new connectors are built and launched frequently.

By starting from a pre-tested solution, you will need less code, the code will be easier to read and test, and you will significantly reduce the number of bugs. Your code will be customer-ready in no time.

About Temboo

Build unique solutions for your business with Temboo's software toolkit.

  • You'll be able to deploy IoT applications in minutes with our generated code that takes into account the desired architecture, chipset, sensors, actuators, and other details to create unique solutions for your needs.
  • Our code comes optimized for the application and its configuration details to that it minimizes power consumption and memory usage among other benefits.
  • With Temboo, customers aren't limited to proprietary hardware, but instead can use their own chips, sensors, and other physical assets. Temboo's software libraries ship on millions of development boards but for others, our SDKs and Cloud APIs can be used.
  • Whether retrofitting existing machinery or building something new, Temboo offers flexibility and expertise on combining equipment from different manufacturers.
  • Customers can see the status of their devices on the taboo website and updated graphs of sensor data are available for every device and sensor.
  • Web-based controls can switch pins on and off and adjust output power to connected lights, motors, or other actuators.
  • Unlike most platforms, Temboo lets customers start building their application immediately and know their costs. No need for contracts, sales calls, or negotiating rates.
  • Temboo's entire team is standing by to help make customers’ IoT applications successful with superior support and technical guidance. Contact us today for more information!


  • API
  • Batch Permissions & Access
  • Data Export
  • Data Import
  • External Integrations
  • Multi-User
  • Notifications
  • Password & Access Management


  • API
  • Batch Permissions & Access
  • Data Export
  • Data Import
  • External Integrations
  • Multi-User
  • Notifications
  • Password & Access Management


  • No need to learn or use APIs

  • Backward and forward compatibility = No maintenance = no worries

  • Easy & fast integration of nearly any software

  • Drive productivity from day one - Connect Bridge can be mastered in 3 hours

  • Either built a new custom application or pick any existing software from the past 40 years to start your integration project

  • Stay in your environment - use your favorite programming language + your SQL skills


  • Industrial IoT sensor monitoring and alert software toolkit

  • Code Generation for any industry


    No FAQs associated with this application.


    What are some applications this service is commonly used in tandem with?
    • Gmail
    • Google Sheets
    • Google Calendar
    • AWS
    • Dropbox
    • Zendesk
    • Salesforce
    • Github
    • Twilio
    • Nexmo
    • Twitter
    • Yahoo Weather
    • Facebook
  • Who are the main user groups of this service?
    • Equipment Manufacturers
    • B2B Electronics Manufacturers
    • Food & Beverage Manufacturers
    • Data Centers
    • Aviation Industry
    • Energy Industry
    • Agriculture
    • Advanced Research
    • Facilities & Building Management
    • Educators
  • Does this service offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?
  • Temboo’s top-notch customer support team is at your service. Support issues are primarily handled over email, though calls can be scheduled periodically for more complex challenges and for advice on designing and running applications with Temboo.

    As developers of tools for other developers and engineers, we understand the importance of customer support and make it an organization-wide responsibility. We pride ourselves on our rapid response times, in-depth answers and proactive outreach to customers in need.

  • What platforms does this service support?
  • Any Hardware including:

    • Texas Instruments
    • Arduino
    • Samsung


    • Andriod
    • C#
    • iOS
    • Java
    • Javascript
    • Node.js
    • PHP
    • Processing
    • Python
    • REST API
    • Ruby

Vendor Information

Based in:

Vendor Information

Based in:
New York


Who uses Connect Bridge
  • Agencies
  • Enterprises
Desktop Platforms:
  • Web App
  • Windows
English, German, Portuguese
Regional Restrictions:
No restrictions.


Who uses Temboo
  • SMEs
  • Enterprises
Desktop Platforms:
  • Web App
Regional Restrictions:
No restrictions.
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