Survio is an online survey creation program for businesses concerned with feedback. You can choose from several templates to create a questionnaire. This can then be sent to different clients and shared to gain as much data as needed. With a customization suite and an analysis program, Survio helps you monitor your company’s performance easily.
Survio Features
The platform lets you create an unlimited number of surveys and questions. They can be built either from scratch or from a template the service provides. Following the creation surveys, you can send them to various clients who can fill out the forms through any device. Once they finish, you can receive the data and use Survio to analyze it. The results can then be downloaded using a file format of your choosing for reporting.
Easy Survey Creation
Upon the initial sign up, you already have access to create an unlimited number of surveys and questions. Depending on what the desired focus is, you can use one of up to a hundred different professionally designed templates. You can also choose what type of questions to input such as true-or-false or essay-type queries. Different tools for each question like checkboxes or highlight buttons can be added.
The developers have provided a button to randomize questions in a survey. You can also choose to copy certain items and add them to different pages, as well as choose which items are mandatory or can be skipped. A progress bar can even be added to help your customers track their progress.
Once a survey is finished, you can test it out with a preview mode. This lets you see the performance of the questionnaire and review the questions displayed. A plugin can also be added to let your customers share the survey on their social media accounts. Once finished, you can also opt to download the survey in PDF format.
When sending the questionnaires, you can choose when to start and stop collecting data. You can set this automatically and input on which dates the system gathers information. You can also disable a customer’s ability to return to previous questions and password protect the data. A Kiosk Mode is also available. Activating it makes the service send it to different users simultaneously.
Theme and Branding
Aside from having up to a hundred templates for the design, Survio also has over 70 different survey templates. These include multimedia such as pictures and videos. With them, you can practically create a general survey in seconds.
When creating the survey, it can also be tweaked to incorporate your company brand’s aesthetics. The buttons of the survey itself can be edited to fit the content. Footer content can also be added to include messages or notes. Once finished, you can redirect customers to a thank you page for their participation.
Data Collection and Reporting
When your clients receive the surveys, you can be notified of this by email or Slack. The link can be embedded onto your site or can redirect to a popup window. This helps customers open and fill out the survey quickly. The surveys can also be printed or sent via email.
Once results are attained, Survio can be used to run diagnostics. It can send statistical info directly to your dashboard. This includes a summary of responses. Individual responses can be selected and added or removed from the graph. The results can also be graphed in several formats such as a pie or bar chart.
Once enough data is gathered, you can print it or export it to a document or spreadsheet. This can be developed into a company summary with your branding. You don’t need to worry about any possible loss of data since it is stored on a cloud backup.
Survio Benefits
Survio stands out thanks to a simplified survey creation system. There are several templates to choose from that can be tweaked to your liking. The responses and mandatory questions can be edited and set to get the best possible data. Whatever questionnaire you come up with can also be shared and sent to different clients with one click.
Along with the creation suite, Survio offers an intuitive data collection and reporting engine. Data can be easily gathered automatically and within specified dates. Afterward, the data can be easily combined into an aggregated report. This report can filter individual answers to provide the most accurate data. You can also print the reports or send them to the appropriate personnel.
Survio Pricing
The software has four different packages for sale. Each package differs in the number of responses, the features available, and the fee for every month. There is no annual charge.
The first deal is the “Free” package. Although an unlimited number of surveys and questions can be created, only 100 responses are accepted per month. This is recommended if you work for a company with limited funds. The following features are included:
- Unlimited surveys and questions
- 100+ designs
- Over 70 survey templates
- Mobile-friendly surveys
- Social media plugins
- Reception notifications (via email or Slack)
- Response collection period – This can be manually or automatically operated.
- Real-time data graphing
The second deal is the “Personal” package. It costs $29 and allows for 1,000 responses per month. It also has logic-skipping, which lets the system observe the responses and skip redundant or unnecessary items. This is recommended if your company is small but still wants to get accurate feedback from most or all of its customers. All the previous features are included but the plan has the following additions:
- Survey logic skip
- PDF report summary
- Excel export
- Google sheets export
- Invoicing
The third deal is the “Business” package. It costs $59 and allows for 10,000 responses per month. It improves the service with a customizable branding suite to personalize your surveys. With logos and a high response limit, this is recommended if your company owns several branch outlets. All the previous features are included but the plan has the following additions:
- Logo branding
- Thank you page
- Branded URL
- Non-anonymous surveys
- Email invitations
- Password protection
- Unlimited filters – Select which responses to remove from the data.
- Reports in Microsoft Word document format
- Survey results webpage
The final deal is the “Elite” package. It costs $99 and allows for an unlimited number of responses per month. This offers further customization, integration with other software, and premium support. This is recommended if your company caters to customers over a vast area. All the previous features are included but the plan has the following additions:
- Customizable PDF report
- Cloud backup
- Google analytics integration
- Customizable URL parameters
- Premium email support
Survio is an in-depth survey creation and analysis solution. It has features for making online questionnaires, sharing and sending options, real-time reporting, and branding. A standout feature in Survio is the intuitive graph and summary system for your data. This solution is recommended for companies wanting full control over their feedback forms and accurate data retrieval.