Access the power of a spreadsheet, the organization of a database, and the rich content of multimedia documents and collaboration tools - all in a single platform.
SmartSuite is transforming how organizations get work done by providing a collaborative Work Management platform that enables teams to plan, track and manage workflows - whether it be a project, an ongoing process or routine everyday tasks.
SmartSuite helps coordinate people and work across all levels of an organization to ensure that team members have the information they need to accomplish the work that matters most. Team members can create the perfect workflow in minutes or choose from over 200 industry leading templates that can be quickly tailored to their exact needs. From simple to complex and everything in between, we have you covered!
SmartSuite currently scores 92/100 in the Workflow Management category. This is based on user satisfaction (98/100), press buzz (39/100), recent user trends (rising), and other relevant information on SmartSuite gathered from around the web.
The score for this software has declined over the past month. What is this? |
Increase the productivity of teams by empowering them to create, automate, manage projects and processes that support the way they want to work.
Keep an eye on your team's progress and workload. Get real-time charts and other visual highlights to share status, spot potential problems, and keep work on track.
Provide an intuitive, visual and modern way for your teams to work that promotes a culture of transparency and empowerment and helps to make work more rewarding.
Allow team members to collaborate directly in the context of the work that is being done and provide managers visibility to ensure success with team and company goals.
Use dashboards to build powerful unified views
Keep your teams aligned by displaying your data in the view type that best supports the work you are doing.
Available in 15 different languages
200+ pre-built templates
Use powerful sort, filter, and group features to tailor the displayed results and take advantage of inline edit capabilities to quickly make edits without the need to drill into records.
Gain insight into the performance of any team, process or project using data visualizations to understand relationships, evaluate dependencies, and track metrics that measure the state of your business.
Product recommendations, vendor rankings, market overview and tips on how to select Workflow Management software for business. Published in January 2025.
Workflow management software helps businesses to streamline their everyday operational task assignment, management, and documentation processes. Through automating repetitive daily tasks, overall business productivity will greatly benefit. To effectively ke...
FREE DOWNLOAD Workflow-Management-Software-Buyer-Guide-2018.pdfThe sentiment map shows a snapshot of how Crozdesk users have rated SmartSuite over time. It shows how existing users see SmartSuite with regards to its usefulness, ease of use, value for money and customer service.
It is very useful to have smartsuite.
The Design is great and functional.
It helped me to organise my tasks.
It is so intuitive, UI is great, and serves user experience, also it has so many useful features that really can improve your task management
For the new users, it seems a bit overwhelming
i organize my work better.
It is so intuitive, UI is great, and serves user experience, also it has so many useful features that really can improve your task management
It took some getting used to, but not too much.
I like everything about "SMARTSUITE". It makes my work better, faster, more accurate.
I like everything.
It is so intuitive, UI is great, and serves user experience
For the new users, it seems a bit overwhelming
I like that there are a lot of options and they work well one with another so there are no confilcts
I don't like that in the beginning it is a bit hard to grasp all the functions that exist
Project management
It is so intuitive, UI is great, and serves user experience, also it has so many useful features that really can improve your task management
For the new users, it seems a bit overwhelming.
I like great design and a good user experience. So far everything seems good to me.
Maybe a little confusing at the begging but after a while everything is good on this app.
I am using it for better organisation as my job is all about organisation.
I like how we can integrate all of the other apps that we need to manage our projects
It's kinda hard to get the flow of the app when you are a beginner but once you get the hang of it it is a very powerful tool!
It is easy to managing and have a lot of features. Everything work like expected, great app and great experience overall.
Everything work like expected, great app and great experience overall...
Big recommendation to everyone !!!
The process of starting the account is great as you’re not left alone. There’s a great team that helps you go through the entire onboarding process. They set an account for you, set it up with all the templates you need and do the follow-up calls to help you feel comfortable with the process of using. I’m happy to use it.
I’ve just started my paid experience. Will see how it goes since the trial period was great.
My company uses SmartSuite for different kinds of activities: task and team management, HR, accounting. All in one account but with different solutions that are well-protected with permissions.
This work space is the bridge between the traditional visual to do list and a technology-first world. The possibilities are endless for customization, advanced data managing, or just simple organization. SmartSuites organizes every aspect of my life as a person, student, and young professional.
I do not have any complaints about this software. The past troubles I have faced with other softwares or organization systems are no longer an issue when I switched to this platform.
It is very difficult to be organized in a digital-first world. SmartSuite brings back visual organization in an easy-to-use, yet advanced performing way. This platform is life-changing- you feel in full control over all the important aspects of your life and your business.
Возможности настройки каждого отдельного отчета и представления. Выбор полей, которые будут использоваться в записях и отчетах, очень широк.
Может потребоваться некоторое время для обучения, чтобы использовать наиболее эффективным способом
I consider SmartSuite is a useful tool for task tracking and team collaboration. Easy to use the service. Smartsuite user interface is intuitive and user-friendly. The capabilities of the platform are immense - from the overall solutions and applications to within the records themselves, automations, Zapier integration, ability to customize each individual report and view.
It'll take some time to learn the service, but there are many tutorials and help articles to do it more faster.
As a developer, I liked to develop complex functionality. Such as adding and editing various kinds of fields when creating a record.
It was very interesting to develop such fields in the record as lookup, subitems, link and others.
The use of a dark theme in the application impressed me a lot. A very functional, comprehensive and flexible application that will help you solve your daily tasks.
For more effective use of the application, it is necessary to study it in more detail. For some components of the application, it is really necessary to study them; reference material in the form of text and video information will be useful for you. After studying them, you will understand the intricacies of this tool and will be able to use it more flexibly.
SmartSuite is a great tool that provides a lot of report type for every cases you need with lots of data types (text, date, numeric and many others). It's also allows you to use filtering and grouping which is very useful and customize each individual report.
There is no obvious cons for this program. The tool is easy to use and the process of investigating all the best feature of this tool will not take much time.
Easy to create the necessary data, tables, lists, and graphs. SmartSuite helps to fully and effectively plan, implement and close projects.
Also from the pros:
Compilation of task reports;
Possibility to create an infinite number of tasks;
Beautiful and clear interface (in my opinion);
The ability to change the color to any solution;
Since the tool is quite large and multifunctional, at first glance it may seem complicated. But if you spend a little time studying it, you can see all its great features and functionality.
Our team uses SmarSuite to manage project tasks. We create tasks, assign them to team members, add statuses, add links, images, descriptions, and more. The tool helps to see the overall progress of the project and tasks in general.
This is a database that is aesthetically attractive. Each member of our team can easily add, update and expand on events and content they are working and everyone has a view of the team's goals as a whole. This has allowed us to store complex data, but make it accessible in different views, depending on the business need.
- I had some troubles while creating an account, but the issue was connected to my laptop. So, did not find any problems with this product.
SmartSuite містить дуже багато типів полів, які допомагають робити таблиці різної структури, і все що вас обмежує - це власна фантазія. Таблиці можна з’єнувати між собою. Це дуже допомагає правильно організувати структури даних, і представити їх в зручному для вас вигляді - від таблиці, до карти (не думав, що таке можливо в одному додатку). На мою думку, головний плюс, що цей додаток об’єднує в собі інші, такі як: excel, google maps, google calendar, trello та інші. Це дає можливість працювати з тими й самими даними в зручному для вас форматі. Також, великий плюс, наявність мобільного додатку (переглядайте та змінюйте дані в будь якому місці).
SmartSuite — це не додаток, в який можна швидко зайти та почати використовувати. Мені потрібно було погратися з усіма функціями та зрозуміти, що як працює, перш ніж ця система почала працювати на мене. Але після того, як я опанував це, стало легко впорядкувати записи, дані та використовувати їх для всього, що мені потрібно.
Також не вистачає функціоналу збереження запису без його закривання, тому що ти його можеш легко загубити. Особливо, якщо перейшов по посиланню.
SmartSuite допоміг краще організувати нашу роботу, і дав нам можливість зберігати інформацію в такому вигляді, в якому це неможливо було зробити раніше. При цьому він допомогає не тільки нам, а й членам команди, які до нас приєднуються.
- Very flexible
- Pretty fast and intuitable
- Has templates which speeds up your work
- Different data representation types
- No offline access
- There are so much features, so there is a need of some kind onboarding guidance
Можна налаштувати систему на різні необхідні речі. Від розширеної системи управління роботи з командою до звичайного списку задач, записника, сипску контактів і т.д. Дуже зручний, велика кількість різноманітних типів полів, варіантфі перегляду інфомації. Широкий список локалізованих мов + за темну тему. Задоволеним додатком на всі 100%
Відразу повністю налаштувати все під себе трішки складно, через велику кількість функціоналу.
What I like in this project is the simple design. I've tried a lot of apps with a similar purpose but this is by far the best. There are a lot of different options so I cat combine them depending on my purpose. My favorite option is SmartDoc because I can put any format of information there.
There are a lot of different options in SmartSuite so first of all I viewed short videos about how to use it.
SmartSuite is a great flexible customizable tool for making a better work process. There are
a possibility to create more than 40 field types in the record and many features which can set up the report type and view exactly as they want.
Although the tool is easy to use, if the user has no prior knowledge about its capabilities, there might be a bit of a learning curve to use the tool in the most effective way. There’s nothing that can’t be figured out easily or asking for assistance. Moreover, the video tutorials and help articles are really helpful in getting familiar with the tool.
Удобная платформа SmartSuite с большим количеством инструментов, которые делают ее универсальной и подходящей под самые различные задачи, будь то доска задач для вашей команды, список услуг и прайс лист или банальный список покупок. Наличие готовых шаблонов для самых разных целей упростит начало работы с платформой, а по мере ее освоения можно будет настроить все под себя и сделать максимально удобным благодаря большой гибкости в кастомизации отчетов. Хорошо подойдет как для использования в личных так и в бизнес целях, а также дает возможность держать все под рукой, так как есть и веб версия и удобное мобильное приложение.
Не самый простой продукт в освоении из за большого количества функционала и кастомизации, но шаблоны и гайды на сайте помогают значительно сократить время и силы приложенные к пониманию того, как все работает.
The great choice of field types, perfect views and reports, iOS and Android applications, nice interface, significant performance and stability.
Increased entry barrier - new users may face some difficulties while setting the first work environment.
SmartSuite is a great management tool. I use SmartSuite to keep track of everything in my work and personal life. With different views and reports, SmartSuite is able to handle anything I threw at it. The wide choice of field types is perfect to keep all needed data in different formats. The Formula field is really great, no more need to use Google Sheets to calculate even huge data arrays. I can link my workspaces with each other using a special field type and set the most preferable view for this. Also, I'm keen on the Calendar report, it helps me to keep my day up-to-date without any inconvenience. You can find all the necessary features that you can imagine in your mind. And it's not the end - the platform is regularly updated with new improvements and functionality. To make my life easier SmartSuite has mobile apps (for iOS and Android) with mostly all the features web app has.
- A huge number of ways to present any information
- Accessible and clear interface
- Flexibility
- Good hint system
- User support works quickly and smoothly
during the work did not find significant shortcomings. Good and quality product
We use SmartSuite to organize processes and communications. But the trick of this platform is that it can be used everywhere, even for organizing everyday life
SmartSuite is the easiest way to work with everything you need in one application. The possibility to change the way the data is presented is priceless - you can create as many layouts as you need and quickly switch between them.
The learning curve might be a bit of a challenge but if you migrated from something similar, it's an easy transition.
This app is simply amazing! Great way to visualize and manipulate data, also love the subtle design decisions. I have been using this as my replacement for Google Spreadsheets. The features inside of this amazing service are endless. If you have lots of data and want to organize it efficiently, this is the app for you :)
Mobile apps
Beautiful design
Pre-made templates
Easily integrated with Zapier, so you can track almost anything
Flexible and easy to configure
I did not find any disadvantages when using SmartSuite
I have a personal account at Smartsuite and it works great for me. It allows me to manage data in a consistent way without worrying that I may loose it.
There are lots of ways to arrange and represent data via Smartsuite, including charts, maps and kanban.
It may be an overhead for the simplest use-cases, such as notes and flat to-do lists.
It helped to store and manage my personal data in a consistent manner.
- keeps things organized;
- easy to use;
- flexible and configurable;
- pre-made templates for all your needs;
- formulas;
- mobile app;
and a lot more
Indicate which columns are being used in sorting
It would be nice to show to users the columns which are being used in sorting when sorting options menu is closed.
We used it for moving into a new house. The template Home Remodel Project was very helpful for an easy start.
The Share View feature was very handy in sharing blueprints and measurements with contractors.
It's a great platform, I love it and can't see faults, so far.
Perhaps it would be possible to make more easy counting totals of numbers in the table
Flexibility, customization, a huge amount of features, price, support 24/7. SmartSuite contains everything that our team needs
I didn't have any problems with SmartSuite. Any questions I had were answered quickly by SmartSuite support.
SmartSuite organizes all our work into one application. Before we use Asana with Trello. Now we use only SmartSuite
- It's the best looking work management app, as a UI/UX designer I must say that :)
- It has a lot more features than you would ever need
- It's highly customisable and easy to set
- missing some automations at that point
- missing desktop app for time tracking
- design work management
- development work management
- simple to-do tasks
- personal medical stats tracking
- personal home renovation project tracking
It's an all-in-one-place tool. Avoids the issue of having multiple tools, all of which require attention.
Nothing so far, wish I had adopted it sooner, and looking to see how the product's features develop over time!
SmartSuite makes me and my business so much more efficient. I can manage my entire operation from one platform, collaborate with colleagues, and keep everything organized and orderly. Migrating from my previous tool was stunningly easy, integrating with Slack to create new records is seamless, and they’ve clearly thought of every process imaginable with the number of templates they’ve created. Thank you SmartSuite!
Easy to use, usability friendly, flexible, nice design. You can use it for different purposes.
Don't have such things yet. I had a good experiance for a long time whith the product.
I'm using it like a task-manager
This platform answered all our needs in management process. And the design is so nice. Love it!
No cons, only pros so far. I will definitely recommend to others. Nothing else to add.
Best platform that covers all needs of both development team and product team. We use SmartSuite everyday to track our features, tasks, timing, resources, storypoints and so on.
What I personally like most is Charts and Dashboards that help to manage, compare and analyze various data.
You can even share these data with people that don't use SmartSuite - there's a super-convenient, easy and secure functionality for this. Just send the link to any report in any view type - and you got it.
I love everything about SmartSuite!! Why whould you make this field a required one? )
In the century of Smartphones, all apps must be smart. We don't consider any other options. And SmartSuite is the smartest tool we ever used! Just customize it for your needs and start using it. Smart fields, reports, notifications, and automations - every single feature is smart! Wanna focus on work, not on multiple tools management? Switch to SmartSuite!
All my concerns are minor and already reported in the bug tracking system. So there is nothing to report.
In our company, we had to organize our work in a growing team. SmartSuite is the best choice for that! It's easy to use and has lots of smart features that make work easier.
SmartSuite is a great collaboration tool that once you learn how to use it, can do amazing things. Teams can use the tool and get the info they need either on a high level or down in the detail about.
The capabilities of the platform are immense - from the overall solutions and applications to within the records themselves, automations, Zapier integration, ability to customize each individual report and view.
The customization features allow User to set up the report type and view exactly as they want, applying sorting, filtering, grouping options. The choice of the fields to be used in the records and reports is really wide - more that 40 various types (text, date, numeric, reference type fields and many others).
Although the tool is easy to use, if user has no prior knowledge about its capabilities, there might be a bit of a learning curve to use the tool in the most effective way. There’s nothing that can't be figured out easily or asking for assistance. Moreover, the video tutorials and help articles are really helpful in getting familiar with the tool.
The flexibility of the product. It allowed us to put every single process of our agency in one place and create custom views and boards for them.
The learning curve is a little hight, but after you get over it you can do a lot of stuff with the product.