PressKitHero makes it easy for companies to create a professional press kit.
All the information a journalist needs to cover your company in one place.
Easily add all relevant information about your company, like:
PressKitHero takes all that information and creates a hosted press kit for you, where journalists can find everything they need to write about you.
PressKitHero currently scores 80/100 in the PR & Outreach category. This is based on user satisfaction (76/100), press buzz (41/100), recent user trends (falling), and other relevant information on PressKitHero gathered from around the web.
The score for this software has improved over the past month. What is this? |
Product recommendations, vendor rankings, market overview and tips on how to select PR & Outreach software for business. Published in February 2025.
Outreach software helps businesses communicate with customers, bloggers, journalists and other stakeholders surrounding the business. It also helps with online reputation management (ORM), generating leads and prospecting. Key features include influencer re...
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