Review EmbedSocial

Leave a review for EmbedSocial to help others decide if EmbedSocial is the right software for their business. Honest and helpful software reviews could earn you Review Rewards and ensure software listings contain invaluable impartial insights from real users..

Rate & Review

Overall Rating:
Ease of use:
Value for money:
Customer service:

How long have you used this product?*

What's your relationship with the vendor?*

What industry have you used this in?*

How big is your company?*

Title for your review*:

What do you like about EmbedSocial?*

What do you dislike about EmbedSocial?*

What have you been using it for and what problems did EmbedSocial help you solve?


Feature Scoring*

Please rate the following product features from 1 = Very Bad to 10 = Awesome:

Review Monitoring

Feedback Management

Brand Management

External Integrations



Data Export

Data Import

Social Media Monitoring

Third-Party Plugins/Add-Ons

Social-Media Integration



Review Guidelines

  • Be honest. Only review products you are a current or recent user of and be honest in your assessment.
  • Be fair and objective. Other users will trust your review more if you keep it objective and use a sensible tone that isn’t overly one sided.
  • Balance is key. No product is perfect and few are all bad. Mention what you like and what needs to be improved. If your review is too one-sided, users might see it as biased and your endorsement or warning about the service might be in vain.
  • Be transparent. We cannot publish anonymous reviews, so please make sure to use your real name and connect a Linkedin profile that is up-to-date and accurate.

  • Avoid conflicts of interest. Don’t review products of companies you work for / you are competing with or your review will be removed.
  • Don't endorse other products. If you like another product better, leave a review for that product as well.
  • Don't copy & paste. Don't copy and paste reviews you have published elsewhere or copy other people's content.

  • For more information on Review Rewards and participation requirements click here.
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