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About Venga WebToGlobal

WebToGlobal provides all the benefits of automated website translation without losing the quality of expert linguists.

Why does it matter?

Maintaining multiple translations of a website can pose many challenges: in addition to setting up the websites and getting high-quality translations, keeping your sites localized, updated, and in sync across regions and markets can eat up a lot of time and energy. Venga built a platform that collects all the complicated parts of website translation into one place and uses one smooth interface to manage them.

How does it work?

  1. No additional website maintenance required. No need to set up separate localized pages or IT resources needed to insert translations or perform complex updates. Venga takes the complexity away so you can focus on your job.
  2. Translations: A layer on top of the original website. The original site appears, and translated text is layered on top. That means no loss of ownership, traffic or SEO benefits for any of your sites.
  3. Translating in context. When working on your content, human translators and reviewers (Venga’s or your own) can see the final look and feel of any translations they create or edit. This allows for greater accuracy and efficiency.
  4. Publishing the translations. Publishing can be performed the moment translation is completed. Once published, the translations can be viewed by visitors in each locale.
  5. Getting updates translated and published. Updates to the original site can be easily captured for translation. It’s a quick process to extract, translate, and publish updated content.

About Maestra

Maestra is an automatic cloud based software that allows content creators to automatically transcribe, caption, and voiceover their video and audio files to over 100 languages, enabling them to reach and educate people all over the world.

About locize

Bridging the gap between translation and development with locize, a modern and affordable localization-management-platform. It makes your website, app, game or whatever your project is, global, vibrant, and more engaging especially when unleashing the continuous localization capabilities.

With locize, you can make translation more efficient. That is because you only need to add a single line of code to your website to see the solution work. You do not even need to input the translations manually.

Moreover, locize ensures that your most recent content is localized immediately. This lets your development team focus on adding new features and information while the solution takes care of the translation side of things. This way, your audiences, no matter what language they prefer, can access the latest data.

  • 🚀 Speed up your development cycles.
  • ✂️ Decouple software release from the translation work.
  • 🩰 Enable the agility also in your localization process.
  • 🔍 Find all translations in one central place.
  • 🔄 Keep always the overview of your progress.
  • 🤲 Let developers and translators work well together in harmony.
  • 🪪 Trust the makers of i18next and enjoy the support from a single source.

By using locize, you save yourself a lot of additional costs.
* Here are some suggestions as to how locize might affect you:
* Remove the pain in the translation process.
* No more delays in shipping your software because of missing translations.
* Translators can keep up with changes from day one.
* Fix or update translations without the need to disturb your developers.
* Less coordination effort between developers and translators.
* The continuous localization process keeps up with your demanding business.
* You may need less dedicated persons responsible for the localization.
* You're team members and processes are faster, more efficient and saves you money overall.
* Benefit from new time savings.
* etc...
Think about it... How many costs could you save thanks to locize? And how much more sales could you generate?

Try it for free and check if it's able to speed up also your localization process.





    No key features associated with this application.


    No key features associated with this application.


  • Translation Management

  • Continuous Localization Lifecycle

  • Context Matters — InContext Editing

  • Smart translation memory

  • Review workflow

  • Flexible Integration

  • localization pricing Pay only for what you use


    No FAQs associated with this application.


    Does this service offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?
  • Yes

  • What platforms does this service support?
  • Desktop such as mac or pc

  • Who are the main user groups of this service?
  • Content creators that want to caption and subtitle their media to foreign languages

  • What is this service generally used for?
  • Automatic Transcription, Automatic Captioning, Automatic Voiceover


    Does this service offer multi-user capability (e.g. teams)?
  • An unlimited number of contributors/users can work in the same project. Just invite people and get your app translated. There are no extra costs for additional users. Do not pay for seats!

  • Does this service offer an API?
  • Yes, a good API is available.

  • What are some applications this service is commonly used in tandem with?
  • There are various official integration options such as:
    * GitHub Actions
    * Slack
    * Microsoft Teams
    * Figma
    * etc.

    locize is commonly used in tandem with a variety of different applications, including:

    Web applications: locize can be integrated into web applications built with frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js, to provide support for multiple languages.

    Mobile applications: locize can also be integrated into mobile applications built for iOS and Android, allowing developers to easily add localization support to their apps.

    Desktop applications: locize can be integrated into desktop applications built with Electron, allowing developers to add localization support to their apps.

    Backend services: locize can be integrated into backend services built with Node.js, Python, or other programming languages, to provide support for multiple languages.

    Website: It's also used to easily translate website contents, it can be integrated with any website builder, CMS or static site generator.

    Overall, locize is commonly used in any application or website that needs to support multiple languages.

  • Does this service offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?
  • Video tutorials and rich documentation, example apps, mail support, etc...
    Since the founders of locize are also the creators of i18next, that's the best support you can get for.

  • Who are the main user groups of this service?
    • Developers
    • Digital teams
    • App owners
    • Product managers
    • Project Managers
    • Translation Managers
    • Localization specialists
    • Translators
    • SW houses / agencies
    • Enterprise clients
  • What platforms does this service support?
  • All platforms are supported.
    The locize UI is a browser based management app, but thanks to the API and various libraries and frameworks it can be used on any platform.

  • What is this service generally used for?
  • locize is a translation management system that allows developers to easily add localization (i.e., support for multiple languages) to their applications. It provides a web-based interface for managing translations, as well as a set of APIs and libraries that can be integrated into an application's codebase. With locize, developers can easily add support for new languages, manage translations, and handle common localization tasks. Additionally, locize allows to translate website, mobile and desktop apps, and backend services.

  • Does this service integrate with any other apps?
  • You can integrate with your CI/CD using CLI, API, webhooks, GitHub Actions, Figma, Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc...

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Who uses Venga WebToGlobal
  • Startups
  • Enterprises
Desktop Platforms:
  • Web App
Regional Restrictions:
No restrictions.


Who uses Maestra
  • Personal
  • SMEs
  • Enterprises
Desktop Platforms:
  • Web App
  • Windows
  • Macintosh
Regional Restrictions:
No restrictions.


Who uses locize
  • Personal
  • Freelance
  • Startups
  • SMEs
  • Agencies
  • Enterprises
Desktop Platforms:
  • Web App
English, German, Italian
Regional Restrictions:
No restrictions.
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