SugarCRM is convenient tool for sales automation, marketing automation, account management and other customer relationship management (CRM) needs.
Sugar's functionality includes sales-force automation, marketing campaigns, customer support, collaboration, Mobile CRM, Social CRM and reporting.
A strong contender in the CRM market, the software is a viable option for organizations that require flexibility, ease of use, affordability, and choice in cloud providers.
About HubSpot
HubSpot is a complete marketing and sales automation tool that covers a fast array of features and capabilities. The software can be used to carry out, track and measure all your online marketing activities such as blogging, email marketing, and social media marketing.
HubSpot features the inbound marketing concept through its own marketing. According to CRMSearch. It promotes a message of 'publish your way in' and practices what it preaches as a prolific creator of content, including blog posts, social media posts, white papers, and webinars.
It can be used to create landing pages, calls-to-action, to get SEO tips, and it acts as a content management system enabling users to update their website content.
2-Factor Authentication
Calendar Management
Contact Management
Contact Sharing
Customer Management
Data Export
Data Import
Data Visualization
Email Integration
External Integrations
File Sharing
File Transfer
Google Apps Integration
Lead Management
Lead Scoring
Marketing Automation
Social-Media Integration
Task Scheduling/Tracking
Third-Party Plugins/Add-Ons
Call Tracking
Sales Automation
Pipeline Management
2-Factor Authentication
Calendar Management
Contact Management
Contact Sharing
Customer Management
Data Export
Data Import
Data Visualization
Email Integration
External Integrations
File Sharing
File Transfer
Google Apps Integration
Lead Management
Lead Scoring
Marketing Automation
Social-Media Integration
Task Scheduling/Tracking
Third-Party Plugins/Add-Ons
Call Tracking
Sales Automation
Pipeline Management
Email Integration
Marketing Automation
Sales Force Automation
Customer Support
Social CRM
Blogging, landing page, analytics, CRM, email, and sales automation tools all in one app
Users get valuable insights on every contact by combining their conversations with customers and the parts of the site they've visited with their CRM data
Enables its users to learn what content performs best, and how to improve every part of their site
Provides phone support or personalized training to help teams get the most out of Hubspot.
On HubSpot Dashboard users see all contacts, leads, marketing performance, landing pages, blogging activity and more at a glance.
Gives its users a detailed profile of their contacts such as professional history, where they live, mutual contacts, email history and more. Includes email tracking.