SnapPages is the perfect solution for people or businesses that need to create their own professional website. In addition to making it easy to create a website, SnapPages also makes it a breeze to quickly update and manage your site. To try out the service for free (no credit card required), please visit our website and click sign up.
A/B Testing
Data Export
Data Import
External Integrations
Third-Party Plugins/Add-Ons
Landing Pages
Drag and drop site builder
Fully responsive design
Optimized for mobile devices
Cloud hosting
Built in blogging tools
Excellent support
1 user(s) / month
Included in plan:
Ideal for casual users
1 user(s) / month
Included in plan:
Most popular plan
1 user(s) / month
Included in plan:
For people who are familiar with site design
What is this service generally used for?
To build a professional website for a business/organization, or personal use
Does this service integrate with any other apps?
You can integrate almost any 3rd party solution into SnapPages using our custom code option
What are some applications this service is commonly used in tandem with?
Many of our users have integrated 3rd party e-commerce services such as Shopify and PayPal into their websites.
Does this service offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?
We offer a comprehensive knowledge base, as well as a customer support team for any other questions you may have
Who are the main user groups of this service?
The main groups who use SnapPages are businesses, organizations (e.g non-profits) and individual bloggers