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About PluralsightPluralsight helps its users evaluate technical abilities of their professionals and teams as well as adjust learning to chief business goals. It offers variability of courses but the main areas are cloud development, web design, IT security, mobile apps, and databases. Users can get quality courses and learning materials for a reasonable price based on monthly or annual subscription. There are two sets of pricing plans: individual and business with the 10-day free trial. This learning platform offers one unique feature: Pluralsight Mentors. Each user is given an opportunity to choose one mentor, at $1 per minute, if he has any queries that need to be solved. When it comes to the business module, learning courses are adapted to business needs in accordance with a company's size, kind of workers, clients, and industry. |
About Tutor LMSTutor LMS is a WordPress LMS plugin that simplifies complex course creation process by providing user-friendly avenues. It includes a drag & drop course builder & an advanced quiz creator with 10 question types. It has useful addons like multi-instructor, reports, assignment, course prerequisite, certificates, email, course preview & more! WooCommerce & Easy Digital Downloads integration allows multiple payment gateways. Track course performance, share revenue & purchase history with Tutor LMS. Key Features:
Tutor LMS follows high coding standards to ensure that professional sites can be created at an affordable price. It has custom Gutenberg blocks to place across the site. Also, advanced filterable analytics with a dedicated dashboard for all users. |
1 user(s) / year Included in plan:
1 user(s) / year Included in plan:
PricingSingle License - Annual
1 user(s) / month Included in plan:
5 License Pack - Annual
1 user(s) / month Included in plan:
Unlimited Licenses - Annual
1 user(s) / month Included in plan:
Single License - Lifetime
1 user(s) / month Included in plan:
5 License Pack - Lifetime
1 user(s) / month Included in plan:
Unlimited Licenses - Lifetime
1 user(s) / month Included in plan:
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