Enjoy the freedom to access, edit, and share your files on all your devices, wherever you are. If you lose your device, you won’t lose your files and photos when they’re saved in OneDrive. Stay connected, share your documents and photos with friends and family, and collaborate in real time with Office apps.
Share files, folders, and photos with friends and family. No more large email attachments or thumb drives—just send a link via email or text. Create your best work with the latest versions of Word, Excel, and other Office apps. Plus, get 1 TB of cloud storage, document sharing, ransomware recovery, and more with OneDrive.
About RushFiles
RushFiles develops a highly secure Content Collaboration Platform (CCP). It facilitates flexible working practices that enable teams to seamlessly collaborate irrespective of time, location or device. With RushFiles, organizations retain visibility and full control over access, usage, and data on devices which are needed to secure sensitive data.
RushFiles CCP is Partner and End-user centered. Our solutions are developed for resellers to expand their portfolio, take advantage of our competitive prices and improve margins. Users can securely access and utilize their data with full mobility.
RushFiles solutions can be deployed as a SaaS or On-premise as required by organizations of different sizes and in different industries with key benefits that include:
• Easy set-up and seamless integration
• Robust security, data protection and compliance with regulations
• Flexible sharing and collaboration with internal and remote users
• Full-fledged Administrator controls
• Full rebranding and reskinning
About Cloud Native Storage
Robin.io’s products are being rebranded as Symworld™ Cloud. You can continue to stay updated about our industry-leading products by visiting Rakuten Symphony's website.