Fleetable is a bouquet of services for transport and logistics sector, We understand that each client has different set of requirements, we have created separate yet integrated modules for catering to every kind of need. The different products we have are Transport Management System for Full Truck Load, Transport Management System for Part Truck Load, Fleet Management System, Financial Accounting System, Gate Pass Management.
About BePark Parking Manangement
In a few clicks, Parking Managers can create and manage company users and their respective parking access rights. They make sure to satisfy everyone by giving them the opportunity to book and use the parking when they need it depending on the rules of priorities.
Your company parking is no longer a black box! See in real time what is the current occupation of your parking(s), get an overview of the forecasted usage, and build reports based on the history of use.
Based on their access right, users can make bookings when they need a parking or release their spot when they do not need it. Their mobile app becomes a remote control to open the parking at the time of their booking.
Overall, the parking occupation rate is improved and frustration is reduced.
Calendar Management
Contact Management
Customer Management
Data Export
Data Import
Data Visualization
External Integrations
Inventory Tracking
Supplier Management
Third-Party Plugins/Add-Ons
Travel Management
Product Catalog
Shipping Management
Order management
SAP Integration
Route Optimization
Calendar Management
Contact Management
Customer Management
Data Export
Data Import
Data Visualization
External Integrations
Inventory Tracking
Supplier Management
Third-Party Plugins/Add-Ons
Travel Management
Product Catalog
Shipping Management
Order management
SAP Integration
Route Optimization
Fleetable is managing more than 20,000 vehicles globally
Fleetable has created over 20 million booking orders
Fleetable helps save around 10% in maintenance/tyres cost
Fleetable will help you streamline processes
Create your own roles with our Role Based Access Module
Create your own custom fields as per your industry and regional requirements
Transport Companies
Logistics Companies
Fleet Owners
Factories with Fleet
Construction Companies
What platforms does this service support?
It is Browser Based, so it support all platforms
Does this service offer multi-user capability (e.g. teams)?
Yes, Fleetable provides multi user and multi branch/locations capability
What is this service generally used for?
This is used to maintain the well being of any vehicle
Does this service offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?
Yes Fleetable comes with top notch customer support.
Does this service offer an API?
Yes we provide GET API's
What are some applications this service is commonly used in tandem with?
GPS Tracking, Fuel Sensors, Accounting Apps
Does this service offer multi-user capability (e.g. teams)?
Does this service integrate with any other apps?
Not yet.
What are some applications this service is commonly used in tandem with?
None. Currently, the solution is standalone.
What is this service generally used for?
Optimise company parking management among employees.
Who are the main user groups of this service?
Company Parking Managers have admin rights on the platform. Users of the platform are all employees of the company who might make use of the company parking.
What platforms does this service support?
Does this service offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?