View the output from multiple AI models side-by-side. Leverage the information from many AIs, or pick the one that fits your needs best. Get a more balanced perspective and spot "hallucinations" easily by comparing the output of multiple models.
About Article Forge
Content is expensive and time-consuming to create, but it doesn't have to be. Article Forge was born out of five years of artificial intelligence research, and its deep learning models are trained on millions of articles so it can write intelligently about virtually any topic.
This allows our AI to write entire, unique, naturally flowing articles with just the click of a button, drastically cutting down the time and money needed to create content.
A/B Testing
Calendar Management
Data Export
Data Import
Data Visualization
External Integrations
A/B Testing
Calendar Management
Data Export
Data Import
Data Visualization
External Integrations
All the top models in one place
Try all the top models from one simple, easy-to-use website and a single payment system
View the output from multiple AI models side-by-side. Leverage the information from many AIs, or pick the one that fits your needs best
Get a more balanced perspective and spot "hallucinations" easily by comparing the output of multiple models
All the models on the AnyModel platform support multi-prompt conversations. This means you can request additional information or clarification and ask follow up questions.
Get high quality content in under 60 seconds
Write unique content with the same quality as a human for a fraction of the cost
Save time, save money and rank higher on search engines with Article Forge content
Control the topic and focus of each Article Forge article
Generate 1,500+ word articles automatically
Can be used as your personal AI content writer
Free Trial
Included in plan:
5-day free trial
AI-powered writer
Human quality content
Content passes Copyscape
One click article generation
60 second article turnaround
Automatically posts to blogs
Generate 1,500+ word articles automatically
Monthly subscription
billed monthly
Included in plan:
AI-powered writer
Human quality content
Content passes Copyscape
One click article generation
60 second turnaround
Automatically posts to blogs
Generate 1,500+ word articles automatically
Yearly subscription
billed annually
Included in plan:
AI-powered writer
Human quality content
Content passes Copyscape
One click article generation
60 second article turnaround
Automatically posts to blogs
Generate 1,500+ word articles automatically
What is this service generally used for?
Comparing the output and performance of AI models. Generating text and images.
Does this service offer an API?
Plans to add one in the future
Who are the main user groups of this service?
Students, Researchers, Copywriters, Developers.
Does this service offer an API?
Yes! Article Forge API documentation can be viewed once logged into an Article Forge account.
Does this service offer guides, tutorials and or customer support?
Yes! Article Forge offers guides, tutorials, and customer support.
Who are the main user groups of this service?
Article Forge can be used to augment ANY writing process and can benefit anyone that is hoping to beat writer's block or access quality SEO content.
What are some applications this service is commonly used in tandem with?